使用NetWeaver部署企业级应用(netweaver cn)

fangcloud 577 2022-06-03


PrerequisitesThe server specified in Window ® Preferences ® SAP AS Java  is up and running.ProcedureTo deploy the Converter application, proceed as follows:       1.      Choose Window ® Show View ® Servers from the main menu.       2.      From the context menu of SAP Server in Servers view, choose Add and Remove Projects.       3.      Select the application ConverterEAR from Available projects on the left and choose Add to add it to Configured projects on the right.       4.      Choose Finish.You will have to enter a valid user and password for this AS Java.ResultYou can now start the application by opening a browser and pointing it to:牛海彬的博客” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://newhappy.blog.违规广告.com/381292/77025

来自 “ ” ,链接:http:///99072/viewspace-531702/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。

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