环境系统平台: Linux x86-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7版本: 6.0
详细信息一、环境介绍 数据库版本:HGDB企业版V6.0.1操作系统版本:Redhat7.x服务器IP地址:发布端)订阅端) 二、逻辑复制搭建1、发布端修改数据库运行参数highgo=# alter system set listen_addresses='*'; highgo=# alter system set wal_level='logical'; highgo=# alter system set max_replication_slots=30; highgo=# alter system set max_wal_senders=40; highgo=# alter system set max_logical_replication_workers=40; highgo=# alter system set max_sync_workers_per_subscription=10; highgo=# alter user postgres with password'postgres';2、发布端修改pg_hba.conf文件,增加以下内容host all all md5 host replication all md53、发布端重启数据库,使修改后的配置参数生效pg_ctl start4、发布端创建用于逻辑复制同步的表,并插入测试数据highgo=# create table test1(id int primary key,txt text); highgo=# insert into test1 values(1,'a'); highgo=# insert into test1 values(2,'b'); highgo=# create table test2(id int primary key,txt text); highgo=# insert into test2 values(1,'a'); highgo=# insert into test2 values(2,'b');5、发布节点创建逻辑复制用户highgo=# create user logicalrep replication login encrypted password 'Logical ';6、将发布表的相关权限授权给发布用户。highgo=# grant usage on schema public to logicalrep; highgo=# grant select on all tables in schema public to logicalrep; highgo=# alter default privileges in schema public grant select on tables to logicalrep ;7、发布节点创建发布highgo=# create publication pub1 for table public.test1,public.test2; highgo=# select * from pg_publication; #查询发布详情8、订阅端修改数据库运行参数highgo=# alter system set listen_addresses='*'; highgo=# alter system set max_replication_slots=30; highgo=# alter system set max_wal_senders=40; highgo=# alter system set max_logical_replication_workers=40; highgo=# alter system set max_sync_workers_per_subscription=10;9、订阅端导出导入发布表的表结构pg_dump -h -d postgres -U postgres -s -t test1 -t test2 -f createtable.sqlpsql -f createtable.sql11、订阅端创建订阅(必须为超级用户创建订阅)highgo=# create subscription sub1 connection 'host= port=5866 dbname=highgo user=logicalrep password=Logical ' publication pub1;12、订阅端查询同步状态highgo=# select * from test1; id | txt ----+----- 1 | a 2 | b (2 rows)highgo=# select * from test2; id | txt ----+----- 1 | a 2 | b (2 rows)13、插入数据测试##发布端新插入数据highgo=# insert into test1 values(3,'c'); INSERT 0 1 highgo=# select * from test1; id | txt ----+----- 1 | a 2 | b 3 | c (3 rows) ##订阅端查询数据是否同步highgo=# select * from test1; id | txt ----+----- 1 | a 2 | b 3 | c (3 rows)通过查询同步表内的数据可验证逻辑复制搭建完成。 三、逻辑复制相关查询1、发布端select * from pg_publication; ##查询数据库内发布信息select * from pg_stat_replication; ##查询流复制相关信息select * from pg_publication_tables; ##查询已经发布的表的信息2、订阅端select * from pg_subscription; ##查询订阅信息select * from pg_subscription_rel; ##查询每张表的同步状态select * from pg_replication_origin_status; 四、逻辑复制注意事项不支持DDL复制(ALTER TABLE/CREATE TABLE)不支持TEMPRORARY表和UNLOGGED表复制不支持Sequences复制( serial/bigserial/identity)不支持TRUNCATE操作复制 不支持大对象复制不支持视图、物化视图、外部表复制被复制的表上最好有主键约束;如果没有,必须执行:ALTER TABLE reptest REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;注:订阅端的复制表是可修改的,复制表一旦修改,发布者和订阅者会数据不一致,进而打破复制。