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三胞集团是国内知名的大型跨国民营企业, Fangcloud是中国优秀的企业一站式文件管理与协作云平台. 在过去一年里, 三胞集团与Fangcloud深度合作, 对内部文档进行高效管理, 成效显著. 三胞集团为何选择Fangcloud? 三胞集团有限公司 (abbreviation "三胞集团" ) 业务遍及Global, 集团旗下拥有宏图高科, 南京新百, 宏图三胞, 以色列 Natali, 美国 Dendreon 等众多国内外重点企业. 100 多下属公司, 超 12 ten thousand名Global员工的庞大业务体系里, 集团
作为教育部直属的全国重点大学, 为帮助师生进行数字教育资源的高效流-与安全管理, 浙江大学早在 2016 年便与Fangcloud正式达成合作, 合力打造定制化 "浙大云盘" . 如今, 在满意 "浙大云盘" 的良好使用效果后, 浙江大学选择与Fangcloud深化合作, 打造升级版 "浙大云盘" , 在全校师生中继续generalization使用. about浙江大学浙江大学由教育部直属, 中央直管 (副部级) , 是中国著名顶级学府之一, 也是中国 "学科最齐全" , "学生创业率最高" 的大学
作为一综合类产业集团, 雪松控股集团有限公司 (abbreviation "雪松集团" ) 业务线交错纵横, 场景复杂, 对于跨区域高效Collaborative office有着迫切需求. 为给大量集团数据搭建起高效管理平台, 雪松控股于 2017 年便与Fangcloud达成合作, 为其搭建全集团文库管理平台 -- 雪松云库. 自去年雪松云库落地使用到现在, 雪松控股多次选择与Fangcloud深化合作, 集团使用账号数越来越多, 使用对象也从 "原先单一的产业集团 -- 君华地产集团" 拓展至现在的 "各区域
作为公元集团最大的核心子公司, 永高股有限公司 (abbreviation "永高股" ) 产业涉及塑料管道, 光伏太阳能, 用电器, 开关插座, 智能装备和贸易等多领域, 日常办公需要实时对接的企业数据十分庞大. To build an efficient management platform for a large number of enterprise data, 永高股Recently officially signed a contract with Yifangyun, Create a new experience of efficient office. recently, 永高股Formal signing of Yifangyun, Build cloud disk file management system, 在公司财务中心, 信息中心, 市场中心等部门generalization使用. about永高股永高股有限公司创
recently, Fangcloud与国内领先的公路物流行业平台运营商传化公路港物流有限公司达成合作, 为其构建起基于云端的文件统一管理平台和跨区域共享体系. 通过此次合作, Fangcloud将为传化物流提供strong大的办公及运作支持, 为公司各区域间的大量企业数据搭建起统一管理平台和高效共享体系. about传化物流传化物流是国内领先的公路物流行业平台运营商, 致力于构建 "中国智能公路物流网络运营system" . 作为 "公路港物流模式" 开创者, 传化物流通过 "互联
recently, Fangcloud与聚合物加工技术领域Global领先的瑞好聚合物 (苏州) 有限公司达成合作, 为其搭建起文档管理平台. 通过此次合作, Fangcloud将为瑞好提供strong大的办公及运作支持, 实现流畅体验的跨国传输和高效便捷的文件协作. about瑞好瑞好聚合物 (苏州) 有限公司是德国瑞好公司在中国的子公司, 位于江苏省太仓市经济开发区. 瑞好有限公司在德国成立于 1948 年, 自成立以来便始终专注于开发创新Solutions, 目前已发展成为聚合物加工技术方
recently, Fangcloud与现代化大型内衣品牌运营集团 -- 广东都市丽人实业有限公司达成合作, 为其搭建起更具规范化的办公文件管理平台. 通过此次合作, Fangcloud将为都市丽人提供strong大的办公及运作支持, 为公司高品质贴身衣物制作过程中的需求沟通搭建起高效的文件协作平台. 都市丽人在Products设计和日常办公中会产生大量关键数据, 然而, 都市丽人此前缺乏高效的文档管理system, 文件服务器难以满足快速高效的工作需求. 内衣设计图纸, 内衣型号, 裁剪
recently, Fangcloud与致力于促进开源硬件发展领域并在行业内实力领先的深圳矽递科技股有限公司达成合作, 为其提供Fangcloud特有的办公文件一站式管理Solutions. 通过此次合作, Fangcloud将为矽递科技提供strong大的办公及运作支持, 为分, 总公司高效办公提供strong大助力, 同时也将成为矽递科技与供应商开展高效外部协作的快速通道. 开源硬件是指与自由及开放原始码Software相同方式设计的计算机和电子硬件, 用户对此有着极高的精准度要求. 作为一致力于
As a leading real estate ecosystem in China "internet+" Service provider, Mingyuan Cloud has successfully surpassed 5000 Provided by real estate companies "internet+" Solution and Management System. In order to better serve customers, Efficient project management and improving overall collaboration efficiency of the enterprise, Mingyuan Cloud introduces the professional file management capabilities of Yifang Cloud, Creating Mingyuan Cloud Library, Implement product release, generalization, sales, deliver, Effective knowledge accumulation and document process management throughout the entire service process. Regarding Mingyuan Cloud, Mingyuan Cloud is a leading real estate ecosystem in China "internet+" Service provider, In the smart supply chain, Smart management, Smart marketing, Zhihuikong
As the largest labor management software and service provider in the Asia-Pacific region, The business scope of Gaia Workshop covers the whole Asia-Pacific region, A large part of customers are from the world 500 strong, Customers have very high requirements for the company's service. In order to meet customers' stringent requirements for service, Gaia Workshop introduces Yifang Cloud Enterprise Network Disk, Build an efficient office collaboration platform inside and outside the enterprise. Gaia Workshop introduces Yifang Cloud Enterprise Network Disk, Set up cloud disk file management system for the whole company, And in the company's product innovation team, Professional service team, Business promotion team, Promotion and use in administrative operation team and other teams. About Gaia Workshop Suzhou Gaia Information Technology
As an enterprise dedicated to research and develop diversified new functional footwear products, Dongguan Lijichang Shoes Co. , Ltd (abbreviation "Sunnyhaha" ) Widely praised in the industry. The huge number of orders at home and abroad Sunnyhaha There is an urgent need for efficient office work, To create a new experience of high-speed file circulation, Sunnyhaha Recently officially signed a contract with Yifangyun, Efficient office to a new level. recently, Sunnyhaha Formal signing of Yifangyun, Build cloud disk file management system, In the company's product promotion department, Operation Department, General Manager's Office, Promoted and used by Finance Department and other departments. about
As a leading enterprise of innovative technology in the domestic robot education industry, Belo robot franchisees and direct sales agencies are distributed throughout the country, The enterprise data that needs to be connected in real time between regions is very large. To build an efficient management platform for a large number of enterprise data, Beile Robot signed a formal contract with Yifangyun recently, Regional standardized management to a new level. recently, Belo Robot officially signed a contract with Yifangyun, Build cloud disk file management system, In the company's teaching and research department, Marketing Department, Human Resources Department, General Manager's Office, Direct sales department, Promotion and use of franchise operation department and other departments. About Belle Robot Shanghai Belle Culture Communication Co. , Ltd (also called "Belle machine