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  • Jiangsu Hope Law Firm collaborates with 360 Fangcloud, Improve the efficiency of case collaboration

    Customer Profile: Customer Name: Industry of Jiangsu Hope Law Firm: Core requirements of law firms: Difficulty in managing case data, Difficult to trace case follow-up records, There are currently over 20 practicing lawyers at Hope Law Firm due to issues such as inconvenient mobile office work, Some lawyers have experience in national judicial institutions, Higher education institutions, scientific research institution, Foreign funded company, Work experience in enterprises and institutions, Having rich experience in handling cases. The law firm has currently established real estate and construction projects, Company and Mergers and Acquisitions, Insurance and Finance, Labor and Human Resources, intellectual property right, Investment and Financing, criminal, Professional teams specializing in foreign affairs, Each team is working on behalf of some national agencies in the local area

    2024-04-29 Customer case
    Unified storage Real time sharing Teamwork
  • Chinese liquor giant introduces 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, Security management documents, Efficient team collaboration

    "Let the world taste China" It is the corporate mission of this Chinese liquor giant. This liquor giant has a long history, It has been used by many national leaders to entertain foreign heads of state, And as "national ceremony" Gift to foreign guests, Up to now, it has been globally 70 More than countries and regions have established sales networks, One of its pillar products has become one of the three high-end Baijiu brands with sales scale of more than 10 billion yuan in China. With the continuous development of business scale, A large number of business documents require unified and standardized management, The efficiency of document collaboration between remote teams within the group needs to be improved, The core documents and materials of the group also need to be stored and managed more securely. After strict screening, The enterprise has been selected 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk.

    2023-11-21 case
    Enterprise network disk File sharing Collaborative office
  • China Water Resources and Hydropower Seventh Engineering Bureau, Signed contracts with Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology and others 360 Fangcloud

    In the wave of digital transformation, Enterprise cloud storage has become a popular choice for many schools, State owned enterprises, Online storage of office documents by government agencies, File sharing and collaborative office work.

    2023-10-19 news flash
    digitization Enterprise network disk Collaborative office File sharing
  • Tianjin Medical University General Hospital : With the help of 360 Yifang Cloud realizes file security management

    recently, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital 360 Yifang Cloud Achieves Cooperation, Introducing enterprise cloud storage, Building a secure online storage and management platform for files, Under the multi network isolation mechanism, Realize secure and efficient file transfer across networks.

    2023-10-13 case
    Medical informatization Enterprise cloud disk information safety
  • Zhongda Chemical Industry Group: With the help of 360 Yifang Cloud Security Management Document, Efficient collaborative office

    Zhongda Chemical Group officially introduces its products 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Drive, Deploying through privatization, Realize secure storage and management of documents for the entire group, Efficient collaboration between internal and external suppliers within the company.

    2023-09-14 case
    Enterprise network disk digitization File sharing Collaborative office file management
  • A large wave of enterprise choices 360 Fangcloud: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division, Gezhouba Group. . .

    A large wave of enterprise choices 360 Fangcloud: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division, Gezhouba Group. . .

    2023-08-17 news flash
    Enterprise network disk Collaborative office digitization
  • Hand in hand successfully! Southwest Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group!

    China Power Engineering Consulting Group Southwest Electric Power Design Institute Co. , Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Southwest Campus" ) Formally introduced 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Drive, Implement unified storage and management of office documents, Shared Collaboration, Online preview of design drawings, Refined security control of documents.

    2023-07-31 case
    Enterprise network disk Enterprise cloud disk File sharing digitization promotion of information technology
  • State owned enterprise holding group signs contract 360 Fangcloud, Improve the efficiency of cross-border business collaboration

    recently, Introduced by a state-owned enterprise holding group 360 Yifang Cloud Public Cloud Service, Building a unified document collaboration and knowledge management platform for enterprises: Implement orderly storage and secure management of massive project data, File sharing and efficient collaboration between domestic and international project teams, Improve operational management efficiency, Enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

    2023-07-13 case
    Enterprise network disk Enterprise cloud disk digitization promotion of information technology Online storage File sharing
  • Introduction of state-owned financial holding groups 360 Fangcloud, Building a secure sharing platform for enterprise documents

    the near future, 360 The team collaboration and knowledge management cloud service provided by Yifang Cloud for a state-owned financial holding group has been officially implemented and launched. The state-owned financial holding group has thus established an enterprise document security sharing platform, Successfully connected the data flow in the business chain, Achieved efficient team collaboration, Employees can move to work anytime, anywhere, And we have greatly improved our risk control capabilities for unstructured data in enterprises.

    2023-06-30 Customer case
    Fangcloud Enterprise Security Sharing
  • Introduction of listed companies controlled by central enterprises 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, Build a smart collaborative cloud platform

    the near future, A listed company controlled by a central enterprise and 360 Yifang Cloud Achieves Cooperation, Introduce enterprise cloud disk service, Realized orderly storage and efficient sharing and cooperation of massive documents, Provide guarantee for enterprise data security. The relevant counterpart of the enterprise said: 360 Introduction of Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Products, Help enterprises save a lot of distribution in the process of file collaboration and sharing, collect, Summary, Collate documents, Save 70%Cost of human collaboration, It is estimated that the cost of human cooperation saved for enterprises in the whole year can reach millions.

    2022-12-29 other
    Central enterprise holding listed company Enterprise network disk Collaborative office
  • Beauty brand「Imperial Research Hall」introduce 360 Fangcloud, Efficient management of nearly 100 stores nationwide

    Today with the rapid development of science and technology, People's pursuit of beauty is becoming more and more common, Various beauty agencies have sprung up like mushrooms, The industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Some beauty brands with deep insight into the market trend began to try to achieve refined operation through digital means, Constantly improve energy and efficiency. Jiangsu Yuyantang Biotechnology Co. , Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Imperial Research Hall" ) Take the lead in introducing 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Service, Build a remote sharing and collaboration platform, Realize orderly and secure storage of enterprise data, And ensure the efficient cooperation between the headquarters and stores across the country.

    2022-11-30 case
    Digital transformation Collaborative office Enterprise network disk Store management
  • Facilitate digital transformation, 3 Manufacturing enterprises 360 Yifang Cloud efficient collaborative office

    Manufacturing enterprise production process leader, Improvement of execution efficiency of each link, May have a huge impact on the final productivity. And the premise of efficient production, Yes, data, file, Fast access to materials and efficient collaboration. We're following 3 A manufacturing enterprise had a chat, Found that they work together efficiently, The secret of efficient production.

    2022-11-24 other
    Enterprise network disk File sharing manufacturing enterprise Collaborative office
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