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the near future, A listed company controlled by a central enterprise and 360 Yifang Cloud reached cooperation, Introduce enterprise cloud disk service, Realized orderly storage and efficient sharing and cooperation of massive documents, Provide guarantee for enterprise data security. The relevant counterpart of the enterprise said: 360 Introduction of Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Products, Help enterprises save a lot of distribution in the process of file collaboration and sharing, collect, Summary, Collate documents, Save 70%Cost of human collaboration, It is estimated that the cost of human cooperation saved for enterprises in the whole year can reach millions.
Manufacturing enterprise production process leader, Improvement of execution efficiency of each link, May have a huge impact on the final productivity. And the premise of efficient production, Yes, data, file, Fast access to materials and efficient collaboration. We're following 3 A manufacturing enterprise had a chat, Found that they work together efficiently, The secret of efficient production.
First introduced by law firms 360 Fangcloud, Optimize case management+Team management+Knowledge management mode, Realize daily collaboration, Receive the case, Handling cases, Digital collaboration and sharing of the whole process of case settlement.