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客户简介: 客户名称: 江苏霍普律师事务所所属行业: 律所核心需求: 解决案件资料难管理, 案件跟进记录难追溯, 移动办common不便等问题霍普律师事务所目前有执业律师二十余名, 部分律师具有在国司法机关, 高等院校, 科研机构, 外资common司, 企事业单position的工作经历, 拥有丰富的Handling cases经验. 律所目前已设立不动产与建设工程, common司与并购, 保险与金融, 劳动与人力资源, 知识产权, 投融资, 刑事, 涉外等专业团队, 各团队正在为本地区部分国机关
"让世界品味China" 是This中华酒业巨子的企业使命. This酒业巨头历史悠久, 曾被多position国领导人用来宴请外国元首, 并作为 "国礼" 赠送外宾, 至今已在全球 70 余国和地区建立了sale网络, 其旗下一款支柱Products更是成为Chinasale规模超百亿的三大高端白酒品牌之一. 随着业务规模的不断发展, 大量的业务file需要统一规范的管理, 集团内部异地团队之间的file协同效率需要得到提升, 集团的核心file资料也需要得到更安全的存储与管理. 经过严格筛选, 该企业选中 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk.
Digital transformation浪潮中, Enterprise network disk成为很多学校, 央国企, 政务单position在线存储办commonfile, 进行File sharing和Collaborative office.
recently, 天津医科大学总医院与 360 Yifang Cloud reached cooperation, introduceEnterprise cloud disk, 搭建安全的file在线存储和管理平台, 在多网络隔离机制下, 实现安全高效的file跨网络传输.
物产中大化工集团正式introduce 360 FangcloudEnterprise cloud disk, adopt私有化部署, 实现全集团文档安全存储及管理, common司内部和外部供应商之间的高效协作办common.
一大波企业选择 360 Fangcloud: 上海交大, 中建八局, 葛洲坝集团. . .
China电力工程顾问集团西南电力Design院有限common司 (hereinafter referred to as "西南院" ) 正式introduce 360 FangcloudEnterprise cloud disk, 实现办commonfile统一存储管理, share协作, Design图纸在线预览, file精细化安全管控.
recently, 某Central enterprise holding集团introduce 360 Fangcloudcommon有云服务, 搭建企业统一的file协作与知识管理平台: 实现海量项目资料有序存储及安全管理, 国内外项目团队之间File sharing及高效协作, 提升运营管理效率, 增strong企业竞争力.
the near future, 360 The team collaboration and knowledge management cloud service provided by Yifang Cloud for a state-owned financial holding group has been officially implemented and launched. The state-owned financial holding group has thus established an enterprise document security sharing platform, Successfully connected the data flow in the business chain, Achieved efficient team collaboration, Employees can move to work anytime, anywhere, And we have greatly improved our risk control capabilities for unstructured data in enterprises.
the near future, A listed company controlled by a central enterprise and 360 Yifang Cloud reached cooperation, Introduce enterprise cloud disk service, Realized orderly storage and efficient sharing and cooperation of massive documents, Provide guarantee for enterprise data security. The relevant counterpart of the enterprise said: 360 Introduction of Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Products, Help enterprises save a lot of distribution in the process of file collaboration and sharing, collect, Summary, Collate documents, Save 70%Cost of human collaboration, It is estimated that the cost of human cooperation saved for enterprises in the whole year can reach millions.
Today's rapid development of science and technology, People's pursuit of beauty is becoming more and more common, Various beauty agencies have sprung up, The industry competition is also increasingly fierce. Some beauty brands with deep insight into the market trend began to try to achieve refined operation through digital means, Continuously improve energy and efficiency. Jiangsu Yuyantang Biotechnology Co. , Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Royal Research Hall" ) Take the lead in introducing 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Service, Build a remote sharing and cooperation platform, Realize orderly and safe storage of enterprise data, And ensure efficient cooperation between the headquarters and stores across the country.
Long production process of manufacturing enterprises, Improvement of execution efficiency of each link, May have a huge impact on the final production efficiency. The premise of efficient production, Is the data, file, Rapid access to information and efficient collaboration. We are following 3 Manufacturing enterprises, And found their efficient collaboration, The secret of efficient production.