With this method, 3 Minute resolution 90%File management and search challenges for
right, But there are also drawbacks: We need to remember the file name. Don't think it's easy, Most people can only remember recently used or frequently used files.
If you have also experienced the pain of racking your brains and not being able to come up with a file name, So I would suggest you try the following 3 Methods.
01 Optimize file indexing system
Generally speaking, There are two ways we can locate files: 1. Search by folder classification; 2. Search through keywords.Both methods have advantages, But the drawbacks are equally obvious, When you don't know where the folder is, Or when forgetting the file name, There's nothing else to do but scratch anxious hair.
But for these two points, We can avoid it by better file naming and classification, This largely determines the usability of the file indexing system. Because the process of file localization is the reproduction of file naming and classification.
(1) Classify well, Place each file in the appropriate location
It is recommended to first classify based on one's main job responsibilities, Sort out the classification module. meanwhile, In order to achieve overall simplicity and order, To avoid having too many levels, Try not to exceed each level as much as possible 3 layer.(2) Create a naming system that suits oneself
Different people have different naming methods, But remember two things: 1. Be sure to conform to your usage habits; 2. Be resolute in execution.
For example, the most common「Three paragraph naming method」:time+character+project+describe
Lifting chestnuts: 20220708_Excellent editor_Mid year selection. doc
entry name+Content Description+version/time
Lifting chestnuts: 360Fangcloud_Product Introduction 3. 0_20220631. pdf
time+people+Work matters+version
Lifting chestnuts: 20280701-Wang Meili-Qixi posters V1. 0. psd
Can be used between different modules - or _ To differentiate, Make the overall appearance clearer.
02 Improve file search efficiency
"Quick positioning" Our ultimate goal in file management. After there are too many files, Conventional keyword searches will gradually fail to meet our needs.So on the basis of completing the first step, We can also「search」Perform secondary optimization.
(1) Filter search results, Improve accuracy
The search function provided by the computer system is relatively simple, We can use some tools to improve file retrieval efficiency. Maybe many people don't know yet, 360FangcloudExcept for file synchronization, It's still a file search "Artifact" .
For example, The daily work documents of the editor are stored in 360 FangcloudCloud diskupper, After we retrieve the results through keywords, 360 FangcloudCloud diskFurther reduction is possible "Target Scope" .
As shown in the above figure, We can adjust the folder range, file type, Matching Content, Secondary screening of content such as time range, Quickly locate the desired file using this method.
(2) Forgot keywords? Try it out "Full text search"
Of course, Not all of us can remember file names. I used to make flowers 2 Hourly usage "Introduction, guide" Wait for a word to search for a travel brochure, Finally, I realized that the keywords I used at the time were "Secret script" . . .
At this time, 「Full text search」The functionality becomes very necessary.
360 Yifang Cloud has very useful full-text search function, It can retrieve Word, Excel, PPT, PDF Wait for the content in the document. As long as you remember a certain word in the document, You can quickly find the title or Files containing keywords in the main text.
[take care] Full text search only supports the front 6000 character.
03 Building documents "shortcut"
Complete the above two steps, Basically able to solve 90%The above file positioning issues.But there are still some areas where we can improve, For example, for important and commonly used files, We can definitely skip it "search" This step.
(1) Quick Find "Recently used" Files for
There is a scenario that is very common in our work: Documents that were not edited the previous day, The next day, when I wanted to continue editing, I couldn't find it.
Usually at this time, We can use 360 Fangcloud「Recently used」Quick Find Features.
Operation method:
Click in sequence 360 On Yifang Cloud「file」-「Recently used」You can open the recently used file record, Find recent usage (edit, preview, Upload, etc) Passed files.
(2) Remember to "Common Files" Mark well
「Common Files」yes 360 Another useful file delivery tool on Yifang Cloud, If there are some files/The clip needs to be opened frequently, So we will add it as a commonly used.
Operation method: Click in sequence 360 On Yifang Cloud「file」-「Recently used」You can open the recently used file record, Find recent usage (edit, preview, Upload, etc) Passed files.
(3) Play well "file label" , One click direct access
except「Recently used」and「Common Files」External, 「Common tags」It can also improve our search efficiency, And it is also more flexible in practical applications.
For example, we can include weekly reports, Monthly reports and other important documents with low frequency of updates should be included「Work Summary」label, This way, when updating regularly, you can quickly find it.
Operation method:
Mouse over target file/Clip on, Click on the small label next to the name-Edit Label, Then fill in the keywords and save them.
[take care] : A file/Add the most clips simultaneously 50 Bar labels.
There are many ways to improve work efficiency, Can you shorten it from the simplest and most practical way "File Location Path" start doing, after all, The situation of not being able to find the files at the critical moment is really awkward. . .
Classification of this article: Product dynamics
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Number of views: 5979 Views
Release date: 2023-06-02 16: 05: 24
Link to this article: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/chanpindongtai/1178. html
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