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Fangcloud: Easy solution for cloud deployment and management

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FangcloudIs a solution provider focused on cloud deployment and management. Its main products includeFangcloudDeployment Platform, Yifang Cloud Management Platform and Yifang Cloud Application Market.
Yifang Cloud Deployment Platform is a cloud deployment solution for developers and maintenance personnel. It supports multiple cloud environments, Including Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and others, Can easily achieve automated deployment of applications, Configuration management and version control. meanwhile, The platform provides multiple deployment methods, Support for standalone deployment, Cluster deployment, Multiple modes such as container deployment, Capable of meeting the needs of different application scenarios.
Yifang Cloud Management Platform is a cloud management solution for enterprises. It can help enterprises quickly achieve resource management in multi cloud environments, Monitoring alarm, Log audit and other functions, Thereby improving resource utilization and business efficiency. Besides, The platform also provides automated operation and maintenance, Security reinforcement, Rich functions such as access control, Can help enterprises quickly build a secure and reliable cloud environment.
Yifang Cloud Application Market is an application delivery platform targeting developers and enterprise users. It can help developers package their applications into standardized images, And distribute and deliver through the Yifang Cloud Platform. Meanwhile, Enterprise users can also access a variety of applications through this application market, And easy deployment and management on Yifang Cloud Platform.
in short, Cloud deployment and management solutions provided by Yifang Cloud, Not only can it help enterprises achieve rapid deployment and management of cloud applications, And it can improve resource utilization, Lower maintenance cost , Help enterprises achieve the goal of Digital transformation.

About us

360 Fangcloud -- Make enterprise file management more efficient
360 Yifang Cloud is 360 Enterprise level team collaboration and knowledge management platform under the group, Focusing on solving enterprise file lifecycle management and knowledge collaboration issues. It provides massive file storage, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments and security control functions, Help enterprises easily build a knowledge base, Aggregation of unstructured data assets, Storage and standardized management. at present, Existing 56 ten thousand+Enterprise User Selection 360 Fangcloud, cover 20+industry, Including ultra large clients such as Zhejiang University, Country Garden, etc.
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