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Guide to Creating Network Shared Disk: Building a personal shared cloud storage platform!

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This article mainly introduces the creation ofNetwork shared driveThe steps. first, Preparation work includes selecting suitable onesNetwork shared driveplatform, Create an account and log in; secondly, Configure shared disk, Including selecting storage methods, Set permissions, etc; then, Upload files to shared drive, You can upload through web pages or client applications; after, Share files with others, You can share through links or set permissions to share. By following these steps, We can easily build a personal shared cloud storage platform.

1, Choose a suitable network shared disk platform

There are many options for network shared disk platforms, For example, BaiduCloud Drive, Tencent Weiyun, 360Cloud Driveetc. Choose a suitable platform based on your own needs and preferences.

Guide to Creating Network Shared Disk:  Building a personal shared cloud storage platform!

First, you need to register an account, Fill in personal information, Then log in to the shared drive interface.

Before logging in, It is also necessary to read and agree to the relevant user agreement and privacy policy.

2, Configure shared disk

After logging in, You can enter the settings page to make some configurations, For example, choosing a storage method, Set storage space, etc.

You can choose to useOnline storageComes with built-in storage space, You can also choose to bind to other cloud storage services (as OneDrive, Dropbox) As a storage space.

You can also set access permissions, Including public sharing, Friend sharing, Private sharing, etc, Set according to your own needs.

3, Upload files to shared drive

There are two ways to upload files: web page upload or client upload.

You can directly click the upload button on the webpage to upload the webpage, Select files and upload them.

Client upload requires downloading the corresponding client software, Easy file upload after installation.

4, Share filesTo others

Share filesTo others, you can share through links or set permissions to share.

Link sharing is the act of copying a file's link to others, The other party can access and download the file by clicking on the link.

Permission sharing can set file access permissions, You can choose to allow others to view it, edit, Comments, etc.

By following the above steps, We can easily build a personal oneShared cloud storageplatform. Choose the appropriate platform, Configure shared disk, Upload files, Share with others, Let's share and store our files anytime, anywhere.

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  As 360 Wholly owned subsidiary of the group, Hangzhou Qiyi Cloud Computing Co. , Ltd. is a leading enterprise level file security management and collaboration professional service provider in China, those under one's command 360FangcloudProvide one-stop document lifecycle management services for enterprises and institutions. This includes massive file storage management, Online Editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in improving internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensure data security.
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