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data security: Not only is it IT Responsibilities of the department

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Data security is an important component of enterprises, Not just IT Responsibilities of the department, It's the responsibility of every employee in the company. FangcloudAs a professionalEnterprise Network DiskService Provider, Committed to ensuring data security for enterprise customers.
Data security issues have long become a major headache for enterprise managers. The online data stored by enterprises stores various important confidential information, Financial information, Customer Personal Information, Market strategy, etc, But with the continuous escalation of external hacker attacks and improper operations by internal employees, The data security of enterprises is facing threats. How to ensure the security of enterprise data has become an important issue that enterprise managers must solve.
AsEnterprise Network DiskService Provider, FangcloudEmphasize data security issues, Through a series of policies and technical means, Provide comprehensive security protection for enterprise customers.
first, Yifang Cloud adopts secure data storage technology, When encountering hacker attacks or server failures, Data can still remain unaffected. secondly, Yifang Cloud provides a comprehensive user permission management system for enterprise customers, Clarify different users in the enterpriseNetdiskOperating range in. in addition, Yifang Cloud's Transmission of Data, Encrypt data during data transmission, Avoiding data theft by hackers during transmission. last, Yifang Cloud also provides backup and recovery functions for enterprise customers, Provide additional data security for enterprise customers. These security measures can effectively ensure the security of enterprise data in the cloud environment.
however, The data security of enterprises is not just limited to Yifang CloudNetdiskService Provider's Responsibilities, Positive cooperation from internal employees is also needed. Internal employees of enterprises often face the risk of data leakage in their daily work. In daily work, Employees should be careful not to open emails from unknown sources, Do not forcibly extract attachments and do not use unauthorized mobile storage devices, etc.
in addition, Enterprise managers should also establish a sound data security management mechanism and training mechanism, Only by doing a good job in improving data security awareness from an internal perspective of the enterprise, Can effectively reduce the risk of data leakage.
In the era of big data, Data security has become the most important management issue for enterprises. In addition to the guarantee measures of enterprise network disk service providers, The awareness and behavior of employees within the enterprise are also key factors, Must be given sufficient attention. Yifang Cloud will continue to actively fulfill its responsibility to ensure the security of enterprise customer data, Helping enterprise customers avoid the impact of data security risks.

About us

360 Yifang Cloud is a service provider focused on enterprise level file security management and collaboration, Committed to providing security for enterprises and institutions, Efficient, Convenient file management and collaboration services. Our product line covers file storage, Online editing, Multi format preview, File comments, Multiple aspects such as security control, And possess 56 10000 enterprise users, cover 20 Multiple industries, Obtained, including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Group, Jingke Energy, Recognition and trust from tens of thousands of large-scale corporate customers, including Jinyuan Group.
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