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Fangcloud: security, stable, Fast data center, Laying the foundation for enterprise digitalization

FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk"

As the digitization process of enterprises accelerates day by day, Data has become one of the most important assets for enterprises. To better ensure data security, More and more enterprises are starting to store data in data centers, andFangcloudAs a leading data center service provider in China, Always at the forefront of data security.
Fangcloudwith "data security, stable, reliable" As the core concept, Continuously improving service levels, Provide better data center services for enterprise users. Yifang Cloud owns ISO27001, COS International security certification of digital cloud storage, etc, And also gained CMMI5 level, PCIDSS Certification of etc, Providing comprehensive protection for enterprise data, It is also the preferred data center for large financial institutions and government departments.
In addition to high-quality data security services, Yifang Cloud also has massive global data center resources, Covering the whole country, At the same time, it also has multiple overseas nodes overseas, Providing seamless global services for enterprise users, Meeting the cross regional data storage needs of enterprises.
Yifang Cloud has always maintained a leading position in technology research and development in the data center industry, Having its own R&D team, Satisfying the different scenario needs of enterprise users. meanwhile, Yifang Cloud invests huge funds and technology, Continuous innovation in the field of data center technology, Actively introducing and adopting the latest technology, In infrastructure, Network architecture, Maintain and upgrade security mechanisms and other aspects, Committed to providing more comprehensive and advanced data center services for enterprise users.
Overall, Yifang Cloud as a leading data center service provider in the market, Always adhere to customer-centric approach, Provide comprehensive service guarantee. In the digital age, Data security and centralized storage have become indispensable requirements for enterprises, Yifang Cloud is precisely because of its high-quality data center services, Becoming a choice for more enterprise users.

About us

360 Yifang Cloud is an enterprise level file security management and collaboration platform under Hangzhou Qiyi Cloud Computing Co. , Ltd. Services cover file lifecycle management and knowledge collaboration, Including massive file storage management, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions. Committed to building a knowledge base for enterprises, Aggregation of unstructured data assets, Storage and standardized management, Improve the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise, Ensuring data security and risk management. As of 2022 year-end, 360 The number of enterprise users of Yifang Cloud has reached 56 ten thousand+, cover 20+industry, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Group, Jingke Energy, Super large customers such as Jinyuan Group.
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