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Intelligent file classification and batch operation, Yifang Cloud Network Disk

Real time synchronization,  Secure storage,  Collaborative editing,  Fast transmission

FangcloudNetdiskIt is a highly praised cloud storage tool. Compared with other cloud storage services, FangcloudNetdiskThere are many advantages, One of them is its intelligent file classification and batch operation function.
The intelligent file classification function is a highlight of Yifang Cloud Network Disk, It can automatically recognizeCloud diskFile types in, And classify and store it. for example, It can recognize images, audio frequency, video, Documents and other files, And store them separately in corresponding folders. This not only makes it convenient for users to manage files, And it also saves users time sorting files.
in addition, Yifang Cloud Network Disk also provides batch operation function. This feature allows users to perform the same operation on multiple files at once, If renaming, 移动, Copying, etc. This enables users to manage more efficientlyCloud diskFiles in, Especially more practical when requiring a large number of file operations.
Besides, Yifang Cloud Network Disk also provides many other useful functions, Like sharing files, Encrypt files, Backup files, etc. such as, Users can share files with other users through the sharing function, And set access permissions. in addition, Yifang Cloud Network Disk also provides AES-256 Encryption technology to protect users' files, And provide multiple backup versions, To prevent accidental damage or loss of files.
Overall, The intelligent file classification and batch operation functions of Yifang Cloud Network Disk enable users to more efficiently manage files in the cloud disk, And provide users with more security, More reliable cloud storage services. Whether it is an individual user or an enterprise user, You can benefit a lot from it.

About us

360 Yifang Cloud is a leading enterprise collaboration and knowledge management platform in China. Our product has massive file storage, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Can help enterprises easily establish a knowledge base, Improvement of file management and collaboration efficiency. at present, 360 Yifang Cloud has served over 56 Wanjia Enterprise Users, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Group, Jingke Energy, Large clients such as Jinyuan Group.
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