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Industry Cases: Yifang Cloud Helps the Logistics Industry Realize Global Traceability of Waybill Information

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In the logistics industry, Traceability of global waybill information is a major issue, It is also a continuously pursued goal. FangcloudIt is an internet company focused on logistics business+enterprise, Through technological innovation and service upgrading, Help logistics companies achieve global tracking of waybill information.
FangcloudThrough cloud platforms and API interface, Realize the acquisition of waybill data from mainstream global logistics companies, Data aggregation and processing, Further analysis, refine, Connection and presentation methods, Strengthen data value, Provide global data information exchange, Realize the last mile service from information collection close to the source to the final consumer, Enable traceability of global waybill information. at present, Yifang Cloud has covered major logistics service providers and logistics nodes worldwide, The cloud platform processes millions of waybills daily, Data processing capabilities have surpassed industry leaders.
nowadays, The logistics industry is tending towards intelligence and digitization, Stay away from traditional manual operations and management. Yifang Cloud as an industry-leading logistics cloud platform, By image recognition, Big data AI Algorithms and other technologies, Implement waybill number, Visualization of the entire data processing process such as return orders, Traceability, Further improved the accuracy and accuracy of the data. The use of this technology, Helps reduce operational costs, Simplify the process, Improve operational efficiency, And better address the issue of global logistics information traceability.
Solution through Yifang Cloud, The data collected by logistics enterprises during transportation can be transmitted to the cloud in a timely manner, To help them conduct better analysis and management. meanwhile, Customers can also use Yifang Cloud's app Query waybill information anytime and anywhere, Understand the status of logistics transportation, Better grasp of the entire transportation process. The launch of this service has brought revolutionary changes to the management of the logistics industry, It also provides more convenient and efficient services for customers and end users.
in short, For the logistics industry, the solution of Yifang Cloud, It is a powerful tool and technical means, Significant results have been achieved in addressing the issue of traceability of global waybill information. For logistics companies and customers, Have brought tremendous commercial value. in the future, With the further intelligence and digitization of the logistics industry, Yifang Cloud will continue to provide higher quality services, Make greater contributions to the construction of the global logistics system.

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360 Fangcloud -- Your Enterprise File Lifecycle Management Partner
360 Yifang Cloud is 360 Professional team collaboration and knowledge management platform launched by the group, Committed to meeting the full lifecycle management and knowledge collaboration needs of enterprise documents. It provides rich functionality, Including massive file storage, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments and security controls, etc, Help enterprises easily build a knowledge base, Aggregation of unstructured data assets, Storage and standardized management. As of 2022 year-end, Existing 56 ten thousand+Enterprise user usage 360 Fangcloud, cover 20+industry, Including ultra large clients such as Zhejiang University, Country Garden, etc.
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