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Space expansion methods and precautions for Yifang Cloud

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FangcloudIt is a popular cloud storage service, Its excellent performance and robust system make users feel at ease during use. however, in useFangcloudWhen storing files, Inevitably encountering the problem of insufficient storage space. At this point, We need to expand the space. This article will introduce the spatial expansion methods and precautions of Yifang Cloud, Help people better use this excellent cloud storage service.
one, The spatial expansion method of Yifang Cloud
1, Upgrade Package
Yifang Cloud offers multiple packages, You can choose different packages according to your own needs. If the current package storage space is insufficient, Consider upgrading the package. Upgrade package requires payment of corresponding fees, The cost varies depending on the package.
2, Purchase value-added package
If using Yifang Cloud, Just temporarily needs to store more files, And not wanting to increase storage space in the long term, So you can consider purchasing a value-added package. Value added packages can provide users with additional storage space, The purchase method and cost are relatively simple and cheap.
3, Partners and agents
Yifang Cloud provides opportunities to collaborate with partners and agents, Partners and agents can serve as promoters for Yifang Cloud, It can also provide additional storage space. Store files in cloud storage space of partners or agents, Can provide users with greater storage space.
two, Space expansion considerations for Yifang Cloud
1, Pay attention to expenses
When using the spatial expansion method of Yifang Cloud, Need to pay attention to cost issues. Some space expansion methods require a certain fee to be paid, If there is a large amount of space to expand, The cost will also increase accordingly. therefore, Before conducting spatial expansion, it is necessary to fully evaluate one's own needs and abilities.
2, Pay attention to traffic
When using the spatial expansion method of Yifang Cloud, Need to pay attention to traffic issues. Some spatial expansion methods are used for uploading and downloading files, May generate significant traffic. If frequent uploads and downloads occur, May incur significant traffic costs.
3, Pay attention to privacy
When using the spatial expansion method of Yifang Cloud, Attention to privacy issues. For files stored in the space of other partners or agents, Attention to privacy issues. Need to ensure that file content and privacy information are well protected, To avoid accidental leakage.
in short, With the popularity of cloud storage services, Yifang Cloud's position in the market continues to rise. When using Yifang Cloud for file storage, You may encounter issues with insufficient storage space, At this point, spatial expansion can be considered. But when using spatial expansion methods, Some issues also need to be noted, Such as expenses, Traffic and privacy issues. Expanding through reasonable use of space, Users can better utilize the advantages of Yifang Cloud, Improve their work efficiency.

About us

As 360 Wholly owned subsidiary of the group, Hangzhou Qiyi Cloud Computing Co. , Ltd. is a leading enterprise level file security management and collaboration professional service provider in China, those under one's command 360 Yifang Cloud provides one-stop file lifecycle management services for enterprises and institutions. This includes massive file storage management, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in improving internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security.
As of 2022 year-end, 360 The number of enterprise users of Yifang Cloud has reached 56 ten thousand+, cover 20+industry, From Teams to Large Enterprises and Institutions/All groups are using, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Group, Jingke Energy, Super large customers with tens of thousands of people, including Jinyuan Group.
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