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Synology NAS Watermark protects your data

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Synology NAS Watermark protection for your data is a new type of data protection technology, By watermarking the data, Can prevent data leakage and tampering, Improve data security and credibility.

1, Watermark technology protects data integrity

Synology NAS Watermarking technology can mark data with watermarks during data storage and transmission, Once the data is tampered with, It is possible to detect in real-time whether the integrity of data has been compromised through watermark recognition technology, Protect data from tampering threats.

Synology  NAS Watermark protects your data

in addition, Watermark technology can also digitally sign data, And embed the watermark information into the data, Protecting the integrity and integrity of data.

after, Watermark technology can also be used for anti-counterfeiting labeling of data, By using specific watermark marking techniques, The authenticity of the data can be verified, Prevent data from being maliciously tampered with.

2, Watermark technology protects data privacy

Synology NAS Watermark technology can perform watermark processing on users' personal privacy data, By encrypting data and embedding watermark information, Can protect users' privacy data from being leaked.

in addition, Watermark technology can also control user data permissions, Only users with corresponding permissions can access and modify data, Thus protecting users' data privacy and.

after, Watermark technology can also trace the origin of user data, The use and dissemination of data can be traced through watermark information, Protect user privacy from infringement.

3, Watermark technology applied to various data types

Synology NAS Watermark technology can be applied to various data types, Including text, picture, audio frequency, Various types of data such as videos, Can perform watermark processing on different types of data, Protecting the Nature of Data.

in addition, Watermark technology can also perform multi-layer watermark processing on data, Using a combination of multiple watermarking techniques, Improve data quality and stability.

after, Watermark technology can also perform dynamic watermark processing on data, As data changes, Dynamically update watermark information, Data and real-time performance.

4, Future Development Trends of Watermark Technology

Synology NAS Watermark technology in future development, It will become more refined and adaptive, By introducing technologies such as manual labor and big data analysis, Improve the performance and adaptability of watermarking technology.

in addition, Watermark technology will pay more attention to user experience, By providing a more streamlined watermark operation interface and user-friendly data management features, Improve users' acceptance and utilization of watermark technology.

after, Watermark technology will pay more attention to the construction of data ecology, Strengthen integration and collaboration with other technologies, Realize data protection.

Synology NAS Watermark technology processes data through watermark processing, Protecting the integrity and privacy of data, Suitable for multiple data types, The future development trend will be more diversified and comprehensive, Provide more comprehensive protection for data.

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  As 360 Wholly owned subsidiary of the group, Hangzhou Qiyi Cloud Computing Co. , Ltd. is a leading enterprise level file security management and collaboration professional service provider in China, those under one's command 360FangcloudProvide one-stop document lifecycle management services for enterprises and institutions. This includes massive file storage management, Online Editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in improving internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensure data security.
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