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Comparison of Enterprise Network Disk: Baidu Wangpan VS Lan Chuyun VS Alibaba Cloud disk

Synchronous network disk for high-speed transmission

  As an indispensable part of today's information technology development, The storage and management of enterprise documents is particularly important. To meet the needs of enterprises, More and moreEnterprise Network DiskEmerged at the historic moment. And in this, BaiduNetdisk, Lanzuoyun and AlibabaCloud diskUndoubtedly, it is a brand that receives more attention and favor. So these three are in terms of brand image, price, What are the differences in storage capacity and security? How should enterprise users choose? Let's compare one by one below.

  brand image

Comparison of Enterprise Network Disk:  Baidu Wangpan VS Lan Chuyun VS Alibaba Cloud disk

  first, For enterprises, Brand image must be one of the top considerations. In terms of brand image, BaiduNetdiskUndoubtedly the most famous, And Lan Zuoyun and AliCloud diskRelatively low visibility. Baidu, as a domestic internet giant, Has extremely high visibility and user base. therefore, The brand reputation of Baidu Wangpan is more reliable, Naturally, it also makes users feel more at ease.


  Both Baidu Wangpan and Lanzuoyun have free versions, Alibaba Cloud disks do not. But in the paid version, The difference between the three is quite significant. Pay on the same monthly basis 5 Taking Yuan as an example, The standard package capacity of Baidu Wangpan and Lanzuo Cloud is 2048 GB, But Lanzuoyun also offers a larger capacity package in this regard. The minimum package price of Alibaba Cloud disks is 39 element/month, But the capacity should be at least 2023 GB. therefore, In terms of price, Lan Zuoyun is the most cost-effective choice, Alibaba Cloud disks are more suitable for enterprises that need large capacity storage.

  storage capacity

  Storage capacity is an impactEnterprise Network DiskAn important indicator for selection. For enterprises, Having sufficient storage space is crucial. in this respect, The free version capacity of Baidu Wangpan is 2 TB, Is the largest of the three, But due to policy changes in the network disk itself, This high capacity storage service is no longer available. The standard package capacity of Lanzou Cloud and Alibaba Cloud Cloud disks is 2 TB, Meeting general enterprise storage needs. But Lan Zuoyun also provided 75 TB, 100 TB Including high-end packages for selection. therefore, In terms of storage capacity, Lanzuoyun performs the best overall.


  Finally, there is the security issue most closely related to enterprise data. In terms of storage and transmission security of private data, Lanzou Cloud and Alibaba Cloud Cloud disks both use advanced encryption technology and backup solutions, Can effectively resist network attacks and data leaks. Baidu Wangpan has received complaints about privacy protection. meanwhile, Baidu Wangpan is vulnerable to malware attacks, Compared to the weakest security.

  in summary, For enterprises, The considerations for choosing a corporate network drive include: brand image, price, Storage capacity and security. From this, it can be found that, Comparison of three brands, Baidu Wangpan has Absolute advantage in brand image. however, In terms of price and storage capacity, Baidu Wangpan can no longer fully meet the needs of enterprises, The developer has closed down existing resources in this regard. therefore, If the enterprise does not attach great importance to brand image, Lanzuoyun is a more cost-effective option, Alibaba Cloud disks are suitable for enterprises with large storage requirements. As for security, When considering some security demands and not considering budget issues, Alibaba Cloud disks will become the first choice. Enterprises need to make choices based on their specific circumstances.

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  360FangcloudIt is a leading enterprise collaboration and knowledge management platform in China. Our product has massive file storage, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Can help enterprises easily establish a knowledge base, Improvement of file management and collaboration efficiency. at present, 360FangcloudWe have served more than 56 Wanjia Enterprise Users, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large clients such as Jinyuan Group.

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