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What are the synchronization disks available? How to choose?

Unlimited speed,  Shared network disk that can be collaborated by multiple people

  Synchronous disk is a data synchronization tool based on cloud storage technology, By uploading local data to the cloud and achieving multi-party data synchronization, Make it easy and convenient for us to synchronize and share data between different devices anytime, anywhere, Common ones include BaiduNetdisk, 360FangcloudCloud disk, Tencent Weiyun et al.

  one, Data security

  Data security is achieved usingSynchronous diskThe core issue of time, becauseSynchronous diskThe stored data itself is our important data, If leaked or stolen, The consequences are unimaginable. therefore, In selectingSynchronous diskHour, We should pay attention to its safety.

Synchronous disk is a data synchronization tool based on cloud storage technology,  By uploading local data to the cloud and achieving multi-party data synchronization,  Make it easy and convenient for us to synchronize and share data between different devices anytime,  anywhere,  Common ones are Baidu Wangpan,  360 Cloud disk,  Tencent Micro Cloud

  1. BaiduNetdisk: Baidu Wangpan is one of the most widely used synchronization disks in China, It has also made many improvements in data security. first, It adopts multiple encryption measures, Including before the user uploads MD5 check, apply SSL/TLS Encrypted transmission, When stored in the cloud AES Encryption, etc, At the same time, identity authentication methods such as facial recognition and verification code login are also enabled, Ensuring user data security; secondly, It also sets access restrictions, Operation recording and other functions, Monitor and control user actions during use, Fundamentally eliminating security issues such as hackers and account theft.

  2. 360Cloud disk: 360 Cloud disk is another popular synchronous disk, Its security is equivalent to that of Baidu Wangpan, Also perform "Local encryption, Remote backup" Data protection methods for, Ensuring data security; meanwhile, Also added cloud disk encryption function, Users can set their own password, Only after entering the password can data in the cloud disk be accessed, Thus protecting the privacy and rights of users.

  3. Tencent Micro Cloud: Tencent's cloud security is also quite high, Adopting SSL Encrypted transmission and AES Encrypted storage technology, Ensure the security of user data during transmission and storage; in addition, Also added "Dissolve the relationship" and "Freeze account" Other safety measures, Providing more secure protection for users' data usage.

  two, Capacity and speed

  Capacity and speed are two other important considerations when using synchronous disks, Because they are related to whether the synchronization disk can meet our daily usage needs.

  1. Baidu Wangpan: At present, the capacity of Baidu Wangpan is 2T, Enough to meet the personal storage needs of the vast majority of users. Its speed is also quite fast, Support for multi-threaded downloads, Breakpoint continuation and other functions, Not only can data be quickly uploaded and shared, You can also download other people's resources at high speed, Bringing infinite convenience and efficiency to busy work and life.

  2. 360 Cloud disk: 360 The current capacity of the cloud disk is 36T, It is currently the largest capacity synchronous disk. meanwhile, It also provides extremely high transmission speed and stability, Not only is it very fast in data processing, At the same time, you can also optimize settings based on your own network environment, Thereby minimizing the latency of data transmission.

  3. Tencent Micro Cloud: The capacity of Tencent Micro Cloud can reach 10T, Can meet the needs of most users. At the same time, its transmission speed is also quite fast, Especially with Tencent QQ When interconnected with WeChat and other applications, Its speed has been optimized to the extreme, This is an advantage that other synchronous disks cannot compare to.

  three, Cross platform

  In today's rapidly developing network environment, The types of devices people use are also increasing, Therefore, the cross platform nature of synchronous disks is particularly important, Can seamless connection and data synchronization be achieved between multiple devices, It is a prerequisite for the use of synchronous disks.

  1. Baidu Wangpan: Baidu Wangpan supports cross platform, stay PC, Mac, Android, IOS Used on various devices, And the platform has a wide coverage, Simple and easy to use, Suitable for user needs.

  2. 360 Cloud disk: 360 Cloud disk also supports cross platform, Can be easily accessed on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, MacSC OS X, Android, IOS Used on equipment.

  3. Tencent Micro Cloud: Tencent Micro Cloud is gradually improving its cross platform functionality, Currently supported PC Access and management of data on both end and mobile devices, Believe in the near future, Will be forced to fully meet users' isomerization needs.


  Synchronous disk as a data synchronization tool based on cloud storage, Its focus is on data security, capacity, speed, Cross platform and other aspects have varying degrees of advantages and characteristics. When selecting a synchronization disk, We should make choices based on our own needs and actual situation, And optimize the settings based on the actual situation, So that the synchronization disk can meet its own needs to the maximum extent possible.

About us

  360Fangcloudyes 360 Team collaboration and knowledge management platform under the group, Can meet the full lifecycle management and knowledge collaboration needs of enterprise files in a one-stop manner. It has massive file storage management, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Can help enterprises build a knowledge base, Implement inter enterprise member relationships, File sharing and collaboration between members and external partners, Improve the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise, Ensuring data security and risk management.

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