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Yifang Cloud File Multilevel Authorization, Make your files more private!

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FangcloudIt is a popular Cloud storage service, Provide users with secure and reliable online file management and storage capabilities. With the popularity of Cloud storage, The security of files is increasingly valued by users. To better protect user privacy, FangcloudRecently launched a new feature, That is, multi-level authorization.
What is multi-level authorization? Simply put, It refers to the ability of users to set different permissions to control the corresponding read and write access permissions when sharing files. In the past, Yifang Cloud only provides two ways to share files: sharing links and password protection, But they can only control overall access to files. And now, Yifang Cloud provides more detailed authorization operations, Users can assign different permissions to each user or team based on their actual needs, Personalized protection of file content.
In the clouds of billions, Users can choose between two authorization modes: Folder authorization and file authorization. Folder authorization will apply to the folder and all files under it, And file authorization only applies to a single file. Regardless of the type of authorization, Both support "check" , "Downloads" , "upload" , "modify" Multiple permission settings such as. in addition, When setting authorization, Users can also specify specific authorization objects, As a team member, Individual users, etc.
Adopting multi-level authorization, Users can control file access permissions more finely. for example, When collaborating in a team, Users can set different permissions for different members, Ensure that each member can only access files related to their work. perhaps, When sharing personal files, Users can set only specified users to access their own files, Ensuring privacy while also ensuring file security.
In addition to multi-level authorization function, Yifang Cloud also provides various other permission management methods, For example, link password protection, Encrypted upload, etc. These functions collectively ensure users' control over file privacy and security, Let Yifang Cloud become one of the most popular Cloud storage products.
in short, The multi-level authorization function of Yifang Cloud ensures more detailed security control for users' files, Enable users to easily manage and share files, Protecting one's privacy. in the future, Yifang Cloud will continue to optimize product performance, Provide users with a better Cloud storage experience.

About us

360 Yifang Cloud is a product created by 360 The team collaboration and knowledge management platform created by the group, Intended to provide comprehensive document management and collaboration services for enterprises. Through this platform, Users can easily store, edit, Retrieve and share documents, Improve the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise, Simultaneously ensuring data security and risk control.
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