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Enterprise Shared Network Disk Open Source -- Make information sharing smoother

FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk"

  With the advent of the information age, Information has become one of the most important assets of enterprises. however, Within the enterprise, Information sharing has become a challenge. Asymmetric information between different departments, The existence of information silos, Not only does it affect the efficiency and operation of the enterprise, It will also bring security risks to the enterprise. enterpriseShared Network DiskAs a tool for information sharing, Can help enterprises overcome this obstacle, But the problem many companies face is choosing a stable product, SafeShared Network DiskSoftware is not easy. therefore, Open source enterprisesShared Network DiskHas become a choice for many businesses, This article will introduce the followingEnterprise Shared Network DiskKnowledge related to open source.

  one, What isEnterprise Shared Network Disk?

Enterprise Shared Network Disk Open Source -- Make information sharing smoother

  Enterprise SharingNetdiskIt is a tool that can achieve internal information sharing within an enterprise. Its basic function is to retrieve documents from various departments within the enterprise, Upload materials to a Cloud storage space, Through permission management, Enable different employees to access these files according to their actual needs, Realize information sharing and circulation. Common SharingNetdiskSoftware has Dropbox, Box, OWNCLOUD etc.

  two, Why do enterprises need to share network disks?

  In the enterprise, Each department will have a lot of documents, Data needs to be processed, Sometimes it is necessary to share with other departments, At this point, information silos are prone to appear, The emergence of shared network disks can effectively solve this problem.

  secondly, Shared network disk enables online collaboration. With a shared network drive, Multiple employees can edit the same file simultaneously, No version conflicts or other issues will occur. And the shared network disk also supports online comments, Discussion, etc, Make collaboration more efficient.

  last, Enterprise shared network disk can greatly reduce the risk of information leakage. Internal data of the enterprise, The leakage of documents has always been a problem. however, Sharing a network disk can achieve permission management, Specify who can access which files, Avoided some employees from touching files that should not be accessed, Reduced the risk of enterprise information leakage.

  three, Why do open source enterprises need to share network disks?

  Commercialized shared network disk software usually requires enterprises to purchase authorization before use, And the price is relatively high. therefore, Many companies have chosen open source shared disk software, To meet one's own needs. Open source enterprise shared network disks have the following advantages:

  1. Capable of autonomous control

  For a company, Autonomous control of software is very important, Open-source software can meet this requirement. Enterprises can build their own servers, Install the software on your own server, Free control of shared network disk configuration and data backup, Ensuring data security.

  2. Open-source software is cheap

  Compared with Commercial software, The price of Open-source software is very low, Most Open-source software is free to use, No need for enterprises to spend a large amount of funds to purchase authorization for use, Can effectively save enterprise operating costs.

  3. Powerful customizability and scalability

  Open-source software has strong customizability and scalability, Enterprises can rely on their own actual situation, freeCustomized shared network diskFunction and interface of. Open-source software can also expand with the needs of enterprises, Flexibility to meet the growth and changes of enterprises.

  four, What are the applications of open source enterprise shared network disks?

  1. file sharing

  The main application of enterprise shared network disk isfile sharing, It is possible to retrieve documents from various departments within the enterprise, Upload materials to a Cloud storage space, Through permission management, Enable different employees to access these files according to their actual needs, Realize information sharing and circulation.

  2. Remote collaboration

  Many companies nowadays are located in multiple cities or countries, If collaborative work is required, Sharing a network disk is a great choice. Employees only need to operate on shared network disks, You can complete the collaborative work now.

  3. Multi terminal synchronization

  Shared network disks generally support multi terminal synchronization, Employees can log in to the same account on different terminals, Implementing multi device synchronization of files, Enable employees to use shared network disks more efficiently and conveniently.

  four, Common enterprise shared network disk Open-source software

  1. Nextcloud

  Nextcloud It is a popular open source enterprise shared network disk software, It provides file sharing, Online Documentsedit, chat, calendar, Contact and other functions, Support for multi terminal synchronization, Can be found on Linux, Windows, MacOS To be used on the operating system.

  2. ownCloud

  ownCloud It is another popular open source enterprise shared disk software, It also provides file sharing, Online Documentsedit, chat, calendar, Contact and other functions, And Nextcloud similar, Also supports multi terminal synchronization, Can be found on Linux, Windows, MacOS To be used on the operating system.

  3. Seafile

  Seafile It is a lightweight open source enterprise shared network disk software, It provides file sharing, Online document editing, Chat and other functions, Support for multi terminal synchronization, Can be found on Linux, Windows, MacOS To be used on the operating system.

  4. Pydio

  Pydio It is a relatively lightweight shared network disk software, It provides file sharing, Online document editing and other functions, Support for multi terminal synchronization, Can be found on Linux, Windows, MacOS To be used on the operating system.

  five, summary

  Enterprise shared network disk is an important tool for achieving information sharing, Open source enterprises sharing network disks is a more attractive option. Enterprises can independently control, Low price, Strong customizability and scalability, Reducing the risk of information leakage while achieving information sharing. Recommended open source enterprise shared network disks include Nextcloud, ownCloud, Seafile, Pydio etc, Enterprises can choose and customize according to their own needs, To achieve greater efficiency, Secure information sharing.

About us

  360FangcloudIt is a team collaboration and knowledge management platform for enterprises, Support storage of massive files, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Can help enterprises achieve aggregation of file assets, Administration, Sharing and Collaboration, Improve internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security and risk control.
As of 2022 year-end, 360FangcloudAlready served 56 10000 enterprise users, cover 20 Multiple industries, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large clients such as Jinyuan Group.

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