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Guidelines for selecting and using synchronous cloud disks

360 Affiliated enterprise network disk,  File storage management and sharing platform

  With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, Cloud storage service has gradually become the preferred way for everyone to back up data, andSynchronize CloudThe birth of disks makes it easy for us to achieve data synchronization and backup across multiple devices. Synchronize CloudThe disk has many convenient functions, For example, automatic synchronization, Supports any device, Support for differential synchronization, etc. But in many casesSynchronize CloudIntradiscal, How to Choose a Good SyncCloud disk, And use it to complete data synchronization and backup? Below, we will introduce some good synchronization methodsCloud disk, And their advantages, disadvantages, and usage methods.

  one, A good synchronous cloud disk

Guidelines for selecting and using synchronous cloud disks

  1. Dropbox

  Dropbox It is one of the very well-known and earliest launched synchronous cloud disks, It supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone Other mainstream operating systems, And support Web edition. Dropbox The biggest advantage of is fast speed, Good stability, file sharingconvenient, Easy to use and other aspects. Users only need to place the file in Dropbox OfShared Folderin, Can be synchronized through multiple devices, You can also easily share linksShare files. meanwhile, Dropbox The automatic synchronization function of allows users to simply update files, All servers, PC, Mac And the files on the mobile device can be automatically updated.

  2. Google Drive

  Google Drive It is another major mainstream synchronous cloud disk, support Windows, macOS, Android, iOS Other mainstream operating systems, And comes with a text editor, Tabulator, Demo software, etc Google Office function. Google Drive The advantage lies in the large free capacity (15GB) , Fast upload speed, At the same time, it can also perform editing and other operations on documents on the mobile end. However Google Drive The disadvantage is also obvious, For example, it does not support FTP Waiting for third-party tools to upload files, Slow synchronization speed, etc.

  3. OneDrive

  As a synchronous cloud disk launched by Microsoft, OneDrive support Windows, macOS, Android, iOS Other mainstream operating systems, Can also communicate with Office Seamless integration of the suite. OneDrive The advantage lies in its ability to Office Software support, And Windows Deep integration of the operating system and providing an appropriate amount of free capacity (5GB) . however, OneDrive The disadvantage is that the upload speed is slow, Low synchronization frequency, Synchronization errors and other issues.

  two, How to choose to synchronize cloud disks and use them

  When choosing to synchronize cloud disks, We need to comprehensively consider the advantages and disadvantages of each synchronous cloud disk based on personal needs. For example, for users who need to edit documents, Suggested use Google Drive, Because it comes with itself Office KIT; Targeting needs and Windows Users with deep integration of operating systems, Suggested use OneDrive, Because it is related to Windows The system integration is quite deep.

  After we choose to synchronize the cloud disk, You need to understand how to use synchronous cloud disks. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Download and install the synchronous cloud disk client

  2. After installation, asynchronize filesClip, All files placed in this folder will be automatically synchronized to the cloud

  3. Different synchronous cloud disks may have different synchronization rules, Can be configured in settings

  4. When using multiple devices, Just log in to the same account on the new device, Can automatically synchronize

  three, epilogue

  Synchronous cloud disk has become one of the preferred methods for contemporary backup and data synchronization, Its role is also extremely important. Different synchronous cloud disks have their own advantages and disadvantages, We can adapt to our own needs and usage habits, Choose a suitable synchronous cloud disk for yourself. When using synchronous cloud disks, We also need to pay attention to file security and set synchronization rules, This can better ensure the security and synchronization of our data.

About us

  360FangcloudIs a leader in the Chinese enterprise collaboration and knowledge management market. Our product stores massive amounts of files, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Featuring safety control and other functions, Help enterprises easily build a knowledge base, Improve internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security. at present, 360FangcloudHas exceeded 56 Wanjia Enterprise Users Provide Services, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large clients such as Jinyuan Group.

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