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Shared Disk Shortcuts: Helping you manage files more efficiently

Unlimited speed,  Shared network disk that can be collaborated by multiple people

  With the development of the Internet, Cloud storage has become an indispensable part of our daily work. among, Shared diskAs a kind of Cloud storage, Can easily share files, Enable multiple users to edit together, Operations such as viewing files, Greatly improved work efficiency. however, Efficient utilizationShared diskDuring the process of, Have you ever felt that the operation was not convenient enough, Wasting time and energy? This article will introduce you toShared diskCommonly used shortcut keys, Enable you to better manage files, Completing work more efficiently.

  one, The function of shortcut keys

Shared Disk Shortcuts:  Helping you manage files more efficiently

  Using shortcut keys can make us more efficient when operating shared disks, accurate, And it can save a lot of time and energy. Moving the mouse to the specified position requires continuous adjustment, And using shortcut keys only requires pressing a few keys to complete the corresponding operation, More convenient and fast. therefore, Proficient mastery of commonly used shared disk shortcuts can help us better and efficiently manage files.

  two, Common shared disk shortcuts

  1, Ctrl+C: copy

  stayfile managementin, Copying may be one of the most common operations. Using shortcut keys to copy files can avoid the complexity of mouse operations. After selecting a file, Press Ctrl+C You can copy the file to the clipboard.

  2, Ctrl+V: paste

  The operation of pasting files to a shared disk requires Ctrl+V, You can choose a specific location in the folder before pasting, Sometimes it is necessary to rename files or create new folders. By using shortcut keys, we can greatly improve our pasting efficiency.

  3, Ctrl+X: shear

  Want to move files from the shared drive to another location, Can use cutting operations. After selecting a file, Press Ctrl+X shear, Continue pasting. Ctrl+X Not only on shared drives, It can also be used in other directories on the computer.

  4, Ctrl+Z: revoke

  Ctrl+Z It is a shortcut key for undo operations, Using on a shared drive, Can undo unnecessary actions. Whether it's deleting or renaming files, Just press Ctrl+Z You can undo the previous action.

  5, Ctrl+A: Select All

  When managing files, Batch selection of files required for operation. At this point, it is necessary to use Ctrl+A Shortcut keys for, It can select all the files on the shared disk with one click.

  6, Ctrl+Shift+N: New Folder

  Sometimes it is necessary to create a new folder on a shared drive to store multiple files, At this point, you can use Ctrl+Shift+N Shortcut key to create a new folder. After opening the folder, Press this shortcut key to easily create a new folder.

  7, Ctrl+Shift+E: display/Hide Folder

  Ctrl+Shift+E It is a hidden shortcut key for operating shared disks. It can display or hide hidden folders in shared disk folders, When managing a hidden file, You can use this shortcut key for display, Press again after completing the operation to hide it back.

  8, Ctrl+Alt+T: Open Terminal Window

  If you need to operate on a shared drive Shell command, Terminal window required. Press Ctrl+Alt+T You can open a terminal window, Easy to operate.

  9, Ctrl+F: search

  If you need to quickly search for a file on a shared drive, have access to Ctrl+F Conduct a search. Enter a file name or keyword in the search box to obtain search results.

  three, summary

  all in all, Shortcut keys are essential tools for improving work efficiency. Proficient in using shortcut keys on shared drives, It allows us to manage files, Operating multiple file types and finding files is more convenient and efficient. Through the introduction of commonly used shared disk shortcuts mentioned above, I believe everyone has become more proficient in operating shared disks. Let's follow together "Time is money" Our slogan, Jointly creating an efficient work environment.

About us

  360FangcloudIt is a product made by 360 The team collaboration and knowledge management platform created by the group, Intended to provide comprehensive document management and collaboration services for enterprises. Through this platform, Users can easily store, edit, Retrieve and share documents, Improve the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise, Simultaneously ensuring data security and risk control.

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