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Installing Applications Using a File Manager

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  With the popularization of smartphones and computers, We are also using more and more applications. For ordinary users, The only thing you need to know is how to install these applications on your own device. today, Let's learn how to use it togetherfile managementDevice installation application!

  What is an application?

Installing Applications Using a File Manager

  application program (App) Refers to software, It can make our smartphones and computers more convenient and easy to use. The types of applications are very broad, From social media applications to email applications, And then to games and office applications, etc, Various applications can bring us different conveniences. therefore, Understanding how to install applications in devices is crucial.

  Application installation methods for different devices

  For computers, We often use installation packages (Installer) To install the application. And for smartphones, Due to different operating systems, Therefore, there are slightly different ways to install applications.

  Android phones: The most common application installation method for Android phones is through the app store. Open the App Store on your phone, If you find the application you need, click "install" Just press the button.

  But sometimes you need to install third-party applications, That is, those applications that are not in the app store. At this point, You can usefile managementInstallation of the device. usually, file managementThe device can be found on the main screen of Android devices, If not, Find in the application.

  Apple Phone: Apple phones can only download and install applications through the Apple App Store, Therefore, we will not provide a detailed introduction here.

  Applications cannot be installed outside of the Apple platform. therefore, If third-party applications need to be installed, You need to escape from prison (Jailbreak) Your device.

  Windows computer: about Windows computer, The installation of applications is usually done through installation packages. When you download a new application, It usually automatically opens an installation program, You only need to follow the installation program's instructions to install.

  How to useFile ManagerPerform application installation?

  On the Android platform, Sometimes it is necessary to use third-party applications, You need to download APK File and install it. here, We will introduce how to useFile ManagerInstall on your phone APK file.

  Step 1: Downloads APK file

  On Android phones, You can use a browser to download APK file. But before downloading, You need to open it in security settings first "Unknown source" Options for, To ensure that your phone will install third-party applications.

  Step 2: Open File Manager

  On Android devices, The file manager is usually listed on the main screen, You just need to click on the file manager to open it.

  Step 3: find APK file

  In file managementIn the device, You need to find the one you just downloaded APK file. under normal conditions, It will be stored in "Downloads" In folder.

  Step 4: install APK file

  click APK After file, You will see a Tooltip, Ask if you want to install this application. click "yes" Button to start the installation process. During the installation process, You need to follow the instructions for installation.


  Installing using a file manager APK File is a very simple task. however, To avoid attacks from malware and viruses, We need to carefully download and install applications, Ensure from a trustworthy source.

  last, I hope this article can help you better understand how to use file managers for application installation.

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