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Corporate Network Disk Permission Management and Ensuring Enterprise Data Security

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  With the continuous development of information technology, Enterprise data has become one of the most valuable resources for enterprises. Enterprises in order to better ensure the security of their information assets, Continuously strengthening information security management within the enterprise, Especially in terms of data storage and sharing, Enterprises need to pay more attention to the management of data permissions. This article will focus onCompany Network DiskExploring relevant content on the topic of permission management.

  one, Company Network DiskDefinition of Permission Management

Corporate Network Disk Permission Management and Ensuring Enterprise Data Security

  Literally speaking, companyNetdiskPermission management refers to the internal management of a companyNetdiskAuthorize permissions, Restrictions and Management. Company network disk permission management refers to the management of all internal users in the network disk of the companyfile management, upload, Downloads, edit, Set permissions for operations such as deletion, management and control . By setting permissions at all levels, Administrators can control the data that employees can see and process, Ensuring Enterprise Data Security.

  two, The Setting Levels and Differences of Company Network Disk Permissions

  1. system administrator

  The system administrator is the person with the highest authority on the network disk, Administrators can edit all folders, delete, You can also rename files, And ordinary employees do not have these permissions. Administrators can also add, Delete Network Disk User, And users' permissions can be set. in addition, Administrators can also perform File locking, Unlock, Operations such as sharing and password protection.

  2. operator

  Operators have weaker permissions than administrators, They cannot delete, Renaming and editing folders on a network drive, But it can be uploaded, Downloads, Copying and Moving Files. However, operators also have some permission settings, Employees can be restricted from uploading, Downloads, Permissions for editing files.

  3. Ordinary employees

  Ordinary employees can only view and download files, Cannot delete folder or file, But you can upload files.

  three, Key points of company network disk permission management

  1. Administrator permissions and position permissions should be clearly defined

  Internal permission settings within the company must follow the principle of setting as few system level administrators as possible, Strictly restrict position permissions, Moderately setting permissions for ordinary employees, Strict division of functional scope, Avoiding overlap between position permissions and administrator permissions.

  2. Strict restrictions on the permissions of important files

  Some important files within the enterprise require restrictions on employees' viewing permissions, This can ensure the security of personal privacy and company secrets for enterprises.

  3. Processing of data after employee resignation

  When an employee resigns, Must revoke their network disk permissions in a timely manner, And delete their account, To avoid the leakage of confidential data.

  4. Strengthen the management of data backup

  Enterprise data in the storage and backup process, Strict permission control is also required, Some confidential data should be encrypted for processing, Regular data backup is also required, Ensure that data is not lost due to unintentional operations.

  four, Implementation Plan for Company Network Disk Permission Management

  1. Permission authorization settings

  Administrators should set different permissions based on the needs of different departments, Special permissions should be set for employees in mid to high positions, At the same time, it is necessary to record and handle the account revocation of resigned employees.

  2. Regularly maintain permission settings

  Regularly evaluate and maintain internal permission settings within the company, Adjust and optimize settings based on the company's business needs, Ensure the security of company data and confidentiality, Reduce losses on company information assets.

  3. Data encryption and backup

  For confidential data of the company, Should be encrypted, At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly backup the data. The backup data needs to be stored on offline media, Be careful not to backup data on network storage devices.

  5. Employee safety awareness education

  The company's safety awareness education for employees is also extremely important. Regular training and drills can be organized, Strengthen the safety and confidentiality awareness of internal employees.


  The industrialization of internal information security in enterprises has become a trend. Company data is one of the most important assets of the company, Strengthen the management and control of company network disk permissions, It is very important to ensure the internal information security of the enterprise. In the management process, Attention should be paid to the setting of permissions, Maintenance and updates, On the one hand, it enables employees to understand the control and management of data permissions, Promoted employee safety awareness, On the other hand, it also ensures the security of company data and enterprise passwords, Provided effective protection for the business development of enterprises.

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  360FangcloudHe is a leader in the field of collaboration and knowledge management in Chinese enterprises. We provide a one-stop file lifecycle management solution, Store in massive files, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in building a knowledge base, Improve internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security. at present, 360FangcloudWe have served more than 56 Wanjia Enterprise Users, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large enterprises such as Jinyuan Group.

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