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How to change icons for network shared folders

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  Shared Files"" networkShared FilesClip is a type of device used in a local area networkShared FilesThe way, So that multiple users can share the same files and folders. however, These folders only have icons for regular folders by default, Unable to distinguish accurately. In this case, changeShared FolderThe icons will help you better identify and manage them. This article will introduce how toNetwork Shared FilesClip Change Icon.

  Step 1: Select Custom Icon

How to change icons for network shared folders

  first, You need to select a custom icon forShared Folder. You can use icon resources on the network or use your own icons. If you want resources on the internet, You can find hundreds of different types and styles of icons on search engines or icon websites. If you want your own icon, You can use the icon creation tool to create your own icons. Common icon making tools include Adobe Photoshop and GIMP.

  Step 2: Save icon locally

  Save icon to local drive. You need to set your own folder or desktop as the storage location for icons. You can right-click on the desired storage location in the folder container and create a new folder, Name it "Custom icons" Or other name you choose. then, Use in this folder"Save As"function, Save downloaded or created icons to this location.

  Step Three: Change the icon of a shared folder

  Next, To change the icon of a shared folder, You need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open folder container, Find the shared folder and right-click on it, choice "attribute" option, Popup Property Window.

  2. Click on the attribute window's "custom" label, stay "Folder icon" Area click "Change Icon" .

  3. In the pop-up "Change Icon" In the dialog box, Type the local address of your custom icon or click browse, Find the custom icon you have saved, Select in the icon library, click "confirm".

  4. click "application" and "confirm" button, Exit Property Window.

  Step 4: View the effect of changes

  You can view the effects of the changes in the folder container. The icon for the shared folder should now be the custom icon you selected.


  Changing the icons of shared folders can help you better identify and manage them, Distinguish from other folders. This article provides a detailed introduction to how toNetwork Shared FolderChange Icon, I hope this article can help you better manage your shared folders.

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