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Shared folder setting password, Make your data more secure

Easily achieve file storage sharing and collaboration

  In an era of increasingly advanced modern technology, Shared FilesThe option of clip has become commonplace, Many people would turn to their family members, friend, Colleagues or partnersShared FilesClip, alsoShared FilesClipping is typically used in a company's local area network for shared files within the organization. Shared FolderUndoubtedly a convenient tool, But at the same time, it also poses a threat to the data you share. That is to say, Unauthorized persons may access your important files. therefore, EstablishingShared FolderHour, Setting a password is a necessary step to ensure data security.

  This article will introduce you to the method of setting passwords for shared folders, Protect your files from unauthorized access.

Shared folder setting password,  Make your data more secure

  1. Windows

  Windows The system supports folder sharing, Different users can share within different systems. meanwhile, Windows Provided account based folder permission settings, Can make folders accessible only to specific users or groups. This greatly increases file confidentiality, And it prevents users in the same system without corresponding permissions from accessing the folder. The steps to set a password are as follows:

  - Right click on the folder where you want to set the password.

  - Click to select from the pop-up options "attribute" .

  - click "sharing" tab , And then in the "Share this folder" Enter the folder name you want in the previous box.

  - click "sharing" button.

  - click "authority" .

  - from "Users or groups containing this folder" Select in the column "user" or "group" .

  - stay "authority" part, choice "Full control" The box below, Then select "allow" or "refuse" .

  - click "confirm" button.

  - click "senior" button.

  - stay "security" In the tab, choice "edit" button.

  - click "Add" button, Then select the user to be authorized.

  - Enter password.

  - click "confirm" button.

  2. macOS

  MacOS It is a relatively new platform, But it is also possible to share folders. aim at MacOS The settings for shared folders can be divided into two parts:

  The first step is to set up folder sharing

  - Open the "System Preferences" .

  - stay "sharing" Click in the options "file sharing" .

  - Select the folder you want to share.

  - click "option" , Then select "share folders setting up" .

  - In the pop-up dialog box, Enter your password to confirm your identity.

  - stay "access control " Middle click "Only authorized users are allowed" .

  - click "+" button, Select the user to be granted access rights.

  - click "sharing" , Save Settings.

  The second step is to set the shared folder password

  - open "application program" menu, choice "Utility" In "terminal" .

  - Enter the following command: sudo passwd /usr/bin/smbpasswd "Your Shared Folder Name" .

  - Then return, You will be prompted for a password, Two passwords need to be entered consistently.

  - You have successfully set the password for the shared folder.

  As you know, Shared folders have become an indispensable part of daily operations. however, The confidentiality of shared folders is a concern for many companies, In this article, we explained how to set a password to protect your shared folder, Prevent unauthorized access. Using these techniques, You can ensure that your personal or confidential documents are not accessed by unknown or unauthorized persons. meanwhile, It is recommended to regularly change passwords to maintain optimal confidentiality.

About us

  FangcloudEnterprise cloud diskIt is a safe and reliable product, Efficient and stable Cloud storage service. It provides high capacity storage space, Multi device synchronization, Multiple functions such as backup and recovery, Safeguarding Enterprise Data Security. meanwhile, FangcloudAlso provides powerful team collaboration and file management tools, Make internal communication and collaboration within enterprises more convenient and efficient. Whether it's collaboration between internal employees, Cooperation with external partners, Can be easily completed in Yifang Cloud. FangcloudEnterprise cloud diskWill become an integral part of the enterprise's Digital transformation.

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