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How to build an enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system?

More secure,  efficient,  and intelligent enterprise network disk

  With the development of the digital age, More and more enterprises are realizing the importance of data security. To protect the security of enterprise data, Cloud computing#Private cloudThe disk system has become a very important part of the enterprise. Cloud computing#Private cloudThe disk system not only allows for communication between employees within the enterpriseShared Filesinformation, improve work efficiency, At the same time, it can also ensure the security of internal data within the enterprise. therefore, This article mainly introduces how to build a setCloud computing#Private cloud"" Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system.

  one, Choose the appropriate privateCloud disksystem

How to build an enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system?

  first, Enterprises need to meet their own needs, Choose the appropriate privateCloud disksystem. current, There are many mature Cloud computing#Private cloud disk systems on the market, as OwnCloud, nextCloud, Seafile etc, These systems can effectively meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

  Here OwnCloud As an example, how to build a setEnterprise Cloud computing#Private cloudDisk system.

  two, Build a Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system

  1. Preparation work

  At the beginning of construction OwnCloud before, We need to prepare one for installation Ubuntu System server and a domain name.

  2. install Apache, MySQL and PHP

  stay Ubuntu On the system, Install separately using the following commands Apache, MySQL, PHP:

  sudo apt-get update

  sudo apt-get install apache2

  sudo apt-get install mysql-server

  sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-mcrypt php-gd php-mbstring

  3. install OwnCloud

  Get the latest version of OwnCloud And extract it to Apache of Web Under the path, for example:

  sudo wget https: //download. owncloud. org/community/owncloud-latest. tar. bz2

  sudo tar -xjf owncloud-latest. tar. bz2 -C /var/www/html/

  sudo chown -R www-data: www-data /var/www/html/owncloud

  4. allocation OwnCloud

  enter OwnCloud of Web interface, Follow the prompts to configure. When configuring, The following points need to be noted:

  a. install sqlite extend, And enable it.

  sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3

  sudo phpenmod sqlite3

  b. modify Apache Configuration of, let Owncloud have access to. htaccess file.

  sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default. conf

  Add the following content:


  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

  AllowOverride All

  Require all granted

  sudo service apache2 restart

  c. modify PHP Configuration of.

  sudo nano /etc/php/7. 0/apache2/php. ini

  Find the following lines, And modify to:

  upload_max_filesize = 20M

  post_max_size = 20M

  5. set up SSL certificate

  To prevent data theft during transmission, Need to be OwnCloud Add SSL certificate. Can be achieved through CertBot Tools to obtain SSL certificate.

  sudo apt-get install certbot

  sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d example. com

  6. allocation OwnCloud Email function for

  In order to make OwnCloud Send email notifications, Configuration required OwnCloud Email function for. Can use the company's own email server or third-party SMTP service. Specific configuration methods can be referred to OwnCloud Official documents for.

  three, epilogue

  Through the above steps, We can build our own set ofEnterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud diskSystem. In the process of using the Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system, Attention should also be paid to issues such as data backup and permission control, To improve data security. The establishment of the Cloud computing#Private cloud disk system can not only improve the internal work efficiency of the enterprise, It can also protect the security of internal data within the enterprise. I hope this article can be helpful to everyone.

Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud diskAnalysis of the importance and application value of

  With the popularization and development of cloud computing, Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk has become an essential tool for modern enterprises. It has high efficiency and safety, Convenient and fast, Low cost and other characteristics, Can effectively solve the storage of internal and external data in enterprises, Management and sharing issues. This article analyzes and discusses the importance and application value of enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks.

  one, The Importance of Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud Disk

  1. High security

  Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk adopts privatization deployment, Enterprises manage their own data storage centers, Can independently design security policies. For classified information, Can set data encryption, firewall, Application monitoring, Security mechanisms such as data backup, Implement security control and protection of enterprise data.

  2. Convenient and fast

  Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks can be connected and used anywhere and devices, No need to specify the transmission speed, transmission capacity , Entanglement and consideration of transmission methods, etc. When multiple departments need to collaborate on data, Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk can effectively improve work efficiency, Save time and labor costs.

  3. Large capacity

  Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks can have extremely high storage capacity, More flexible expansion according to the actual needs of the enterprise, Support the rapid development of enterprise business.

  4. low cost

  Compared to traditional IT Storage method, Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk can significantly reduce the IT cost, No need to configure specialized servers and storage devices anymore, Enterprises can flexibly adjust storage capacity according to actual needs, Greatly saving enterprise capital costs.

  two, Value application of enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk

  1. Data Center Management

  Enterprises can build Cloud computing#Private cloud disks internally for data storage and management, Access and management based on the permissions of different departments, Convenient and fast, Don't worry about data security issues.

  2. Business collaboration

  Through enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk, you can quickly plan, Develop and deploy business processes for the enterprise. During business processing, Each department and employee can use cloud disks in different places to modify their relevant data, Editing and other work. This improves the team's work efficiency and quality, Simultaneously achieving better business objectives.

  3. Product and Supplier Management

  Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk can be used for product research and development, Management and listing processes. for example, Enterprises can establish a product management area on the Cloud computing#Private cloud disk, Conduct product classification and review, More convenient, Quickly communicate and manage with suppliers. meanwhile, Can be applied to the supply chain, Multiple links such as logistics are connected in series at the front and back ends, Helping enterprises efficiently manage business processes.

  4. operation management

  Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks can also help enterprises in information and operation management. for example, Service monitoring and management, Conduct data analysis and decision-making, Maintain IoT operation equipment, Security management and development, etc. Enterprises can have a complete information management system and operational management system, In order to better operate various aspects of the enterprise.

  in short, Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disk as a new infrastructure, Its importance and practical application value have been widely recognized and pursued. Especially under the influence of the current COVID-19 epidemic, Enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks become more processingRemote Office, data storage , Enterprise collaboration "lifeline" among. With cloud computing, Big data, The continuous development and improvement of artificial intelligence and other technologies, The future application and role of enterprise Cloud computing#Private cloud disks will be more far-reaching.

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  360Fangcloud -- Your Enterprise File Lifecycle Management Partner
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