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Easy to control files: A new operating experience centered around file managers

Enterprise Digital transformation

This article focuses on introducingfile managementA brand new user experience centered around devices, Enable users to easily control their files. The full text elaborates on the benefits and usage methods of this operation experience from four aspects in detail, Including organizational management of files, Quick Actions, Multi device synchronization and version control. This operating experience enables users to process files more efficiently, improve work efficiency.

1, Organization and management of documents

file managementDevice is the key to controlling files, adoptfile managementimplement, Users can create folders and files, copy, 移动, Rename and other operations. And based onfile managementNew operating experience of the device, Further enhancing users' file organization and management capabilities.

first, Users can use tags, colour, Classify and label files using methods such as photos, convenientIn file managementQuickly find the required file in the device. secondly, Users can customize the arrangement order of folders, Make it easier to find folders that you use frequently. in addition, The file manager also supports grouping folders, Make it easier for users to organize relevant files together.

in short, base onFile ManagerA brand new operating experience, Enable users to organize and manage files more efficiently, Avoiding getting lost and wasting time in a massive file library.

2, Quick Actions

Based onFile ManagerIn the new operating experience, Quick operation is a very important feature. By shortcut keys, Mouse gestures and other methods, Users can quickly complete common file operations, Improved work efficiency.

such as, Users can open a new folder window through shortcut keys or mouse gestures, Create a new folder; You can also copy the selected folder or file to the specified location through shortcut keys or mouse gestures. in addition, New operating experience based on file manager, also supporting file preview and search, Users can quickly browse the file content, Alternatively, search for the required files through the search function.

in summary, A new operating experience based on file managers provides rich shortcut operations, Enable users to process files more efficiently.

3, Multi device synchronization

With the popularization of mobile devices, Multi device synchronization has become an increasingly important requirement. In a new operating experience based on file managers, Multi device synchronization is integrated as an important feature. Users' folders and files on different devices will be automatically synchronized, No need for manual synchronization operation.

for example, The user has created a new folder on their mobile device, This folder will automatically synchronize to the file manager on the user's computer, Enable users to seamlessly switch between different devices. in addition, New operating experience based on file manager and support for sharing public folders, Convenient communication between different usersfile sharingAnd collaboration.

in summary, New operating experience based on file manager supporting multi device synchronization, Convenient for users to seamlessly switch between different devices andShared Folder.

4, version control

Version control is a professional feature, Usually used by programmers and development teams. But in the new operating experience based on file managers, Version control is also included, Provide users with more comprehensive file management capabilities.

Through version control, Users can understand the modification history of files and the differences between different versions, Convenient file rollback and recovery. in addition, New operating experience based on file manager and support for automatic file backup, Enable users to avoid worrying about file loss and damage.

in short, New operating experience based on file manager provides comprehensive version control functions, Facilitate file management and protect file security for users.

New operating experience based on file manager, allowing users to easily control files, Including organizational management of files, Quick Actions, Multi device synchronization and version control. This operating experience enables users to process files more efficiently, improve work efficiency.

About us

  360FangcloudHe is a leader in the field of collaboration and knowledge management in Chinese enterprises. We provide a one-stop file lifecycle management solution, Store in massive files, Online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in building a knowledge base, Improve internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security. at present, 360FangcloudWe have served more than 56 Wanjia Enterprise Users, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large enterprises such as Jinyuan Group.

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