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Complete Guide to Enterprise Cloud Storage: Administration, share, Comprehensive storage solution

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This article is aboutEnterprise cloud storagecomplete works of: Administration, share, Detailed Introduction to Comprehensive Storage Solutions. This article will discuss management, share, storage, Starting from four aspects of data security, yesEnterprise cloud storageProvide a detailed explanation of the relevant issues.

1, Administration

Enterprise cloud storageManagement in China is a necessity for enterprises. Enterprises need to protect their intellectual property rights through document management, At the same time, it is also to better utilize the internal resources of the enterprise.

Complete Guide to Enterprise Cloud Storage:  Administration,  share,  Comprehensive storage solution

first, Enterprise cloud storageGood file classification is required, directory structure, To achieve management of file information. secondly, enterpriseOnline storageNeed to have permission management function, In order to facilitate the use of files, operation, Control functions such as viewing. Secondly, there should be version control functionality and approval process control. last, enterpriseOnline storageThere should also be backup and recovery functions, To support backup and recovery of enterprise data.

in short, The core of enterprise cloud storage management lies in the comprehensive management and orderly utilization of file resources.

2, share

Sharing is an important function in enterprise cloud storage, Can facilitate employees from different departments to share their work results or help with cross departmental collaboration.

Enterprise cloud storage should provide corresponding sharing functions, To support the sharing of the entire or any part of a file, It should also support folder sharing. To support this type of functionality, Enterprise cloud storage should also provide multiple types of links, As a public link, Private links, etc. in addition, Enterprise cloud storage should also provide internal and external sharing functions, To facilitate the use of enterprise partners and third-party customers, etc.

The core of sharing is to make the internal data of the enterprise more transparent, to open up, It also facilitates communication between enterprisesData sharingCommunicating with.

3, storage

Storage is the foundation of enterprise cloud storage, It not only needs to store enterprise data, We also need to meet the storage needs of different forms of files.

Enterprise cloud storage should have sufficient storage space, Capable of coping with the growth of enterprise data. secondly, Enterprise cloud storage should support different types of file storage, Including text, audio frequency, picture, Video and other file formats, And ensure network stability during file upload and download processes, Fast transmission speed.

in addition, Enterprise cloud storage should also support compatibility with different operating systems, And it can be easily integrated with other enterprise applications, Like Enterprise Resource Planning System, Human resource management system, etc. last, Enterprise cloud storage still needs sufficient security measures, To ensure that enterprise data is not lost for various reasons.

4, data security

Data security is crucial in enterprise cloud storage. With the continuous development of enterprise business, The information assets of enterprises are becoming increasingly valuable, Therefore, ensuring the security of enterprise cloud storage is very necessary.

first, Enterprise cloud storage should have sufficient security measures, To protect enterprise data from hacker attacks or illegal theft by other personnel. secondly, Enterprise cloud storage should have encryption technology to protect data communication security, To ensure the security of enterprise data during transmission to other places. meanwhile, Enterprise cloud storage also needs to support user account security management, Including password management, Verification during account login, etc.

In summary, Enterprise cloud storage data security is an indispensable part of enterprise cloud storage solutions.

The complete list of enterprise cloud storage includesfile management, share, storage, Four aspects of data security, Assist enterprises in fully solving large-scale problemsfile managementIssues related to data exchange. Enterprises should choose the appropriate enterprise cloud storage when selecting, Ability to view enterprise network technology and security positions, To safeguard the security of enterprise information assets.

About Us

  360FangcloudIt is an enterprise level file security management and collaboration platform under Hangzhou Qiyi Cloud Computing Co. , Ltd. Our services cover the full lifecycle management of documents and knowledge collaboration, Including massive file storage management, Online Editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions. Dedicated to building a knowledge base for enterprises, Realize the aggregation of unstructured data assets, Storage and standardized management, Enhance the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise, Ensure data security and risk control. by 2022 end of the year, 360FangcloudThe number of enterprise users has reached 56 ten thousand+, cover 20+industry, This includes Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, Jinko Energy, Super large clients such as Jinyuan Group.

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