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Usage Tips: How to share folders with designated people

With the development of the Internet, We can access the same cloud folder on different devices. Shared folders make it easy to share files and collaborate with others. however, During the sharing process, We also need to consider privacy and security issues, Especially when sharing with designated people. that, How can I share folders with specific people? Here are some usage tips and precautions.

one, Choose the right cloud storage service

When selecting a service provider for cloud storage, We need to understand their folder sharing function, And the different advantages and disadvantages brought by different choices. The common cloud storage service provider on the market is GoogleCloud disk, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox And Baidu Cloud and others. Besides price, Storage capacity, etc, We also need to pay attention to the following service characteristics:
1. Security: Has the service provider used encryption measures, Are safety measures such as two-step verification provided.
2. Availability: Can it be used on different devices and operating systems, Does it support collaborative work among multiple people.
3. Usability: Is the interface friendly, Does it support simple sharing methods, For example, link sharing.

two, Share using link combinations with limited permissions

Most cloud storage service providers provide the function of quickly sharing folders through links, You can use SMS to link folders, Send to designated personnel via email or other means. This method is easy to operate, But there are also certain security risks involved.
To avoid strangers accessing your folder, You can choose to share using link combinations with limited permissions. This method requires a combination of links and passwords, Or restricted access permission settings. such as, stay DropboxNetdiskin, After we receive the link, Can be achieved through "Set password" Function to add a password for the link. in addition, Can control the read and write permissions of folders, To protect privacy.

three, Specify user access permissions

If you share a folder with a fixed group member, You can consider using "Specify user access permissions" The way. This method can add the personnel to be shared in the authorized user list, Restrict access to folders to only these people, Greatly improves folder security.
With GoogleCloud disktake as an example, We can right-click on the folder and select "sharing" , Click in the pop-up window "senior" , Then click on the next "Add personnel" , Add people who need to be shared to the sharing list. Next, On the right side "Sharing Options" in, We can choose "Only authenticated users can access" .

four, matters needing attention

● For confidential documents, Suggest using the feature of encrypted folders.
● Check sharing settings at any time, Especially before leaving an organization or team, Need to close shared account to protect folder.
● When sharing files, Minimize the scope of shared folders to protect privacy, Avoiding unnecessary troubles.
● Do not directly copy cloud storage to link to public places, Because it not only exposes your work, And it may become a target of invasion.
In today's society, Shared folders have become a standard feature for many enterprise team collaboration. Whether it's couples sharing vacation photos or team sharing work documents, Learn how to share folders correctly, Can improve your work efficiency, More importantly, protecting your and colleagues' personal privacy.
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