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Northwestern Polytechnical University was attacked by hackers, How to ensure office safety in colleges and research institutions?


6 Late month, Beilin Branch of Xi'an Public Security Bureau released a report on Northwest Polytechnical University (abbreviation "Western Polytechnic University" ) s alert, Attract attention from all sides:


Recently, a batch of phishing emails containing Trojan viruses were found in the email system of Northwestern Polytechnical University, These emails are for scientific research review, Invitation for reply, Notice to go abroad as an excuse, Attract teachers and students to click the link, So as to illegally obtain the email login permission of these teachers and students, Steal important data of the school.

More Than This, Some teachers, There are also traces of network attacks on employees' personal computers, It is preliminarily determined as the network attack of foreign hackers and criminals.

Why Western Polytechnic University Is Stared by Hackers?

Many people may think that, Information in an ordinary university has been attacked, Is it so serious?

But I really know this school, I knew it was not a trivial matter.

  (Northwestern Polytechnical University, The picture is from the official website of West China University of Technology)

Northwestern Polytechnical University, go by the name of "National Defense Seven" one of, It is the only one in China to develop aviation at the same time, space flight, National key universities featuring maritime engineering education and scientific research. all the time, As a well-known university under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Participated in major national science and technology projects, Research on Weapon Equipment Type Project, have 8 National key laboratories.

Foreign hackers attack them, Probably trying to spy, Stealing important sensitive data and information in relevant fields in China.

(Western Polytechnic University "Feitian I" Launch successful, The picture is from the WeChat official account of West China University of Technology)

as one can imagine, If foreign forces attack successfully, Data is stolen, How much influence will it bring to the school and even the country. Fortunately, Northwest University of Technology has adopted strong network security awareness and technical protection measures, Successfully avoided the disclosure of important data, Ensure the information security of teachers and students.

(Official statement of Western Polytechnic University, The picture is from the WeChat official account of West China University of Technology)

How to ensure the office safety in colleges and universities?

current, Realize online office, Building smart campus has become the construction direction of many colleges and universities, meanwhile, Network security construction has also become the top priority.

Excellent universities such as Northwestern Polytechnic University, There is a huge amount of teaching materials accumulated year by year, Scientific research achievements, In particular, it is necessary to build a complete safety protection system, It is not only necessary to prevent the network risks brought by phishing emails, It is also necessary to prevent information leakage at any link of online office.

360FangcloudSafety protection system

As 360 Group's team collaboration and knowledge management platform, 360FangcloudDeeply cultivated in the education industry for many years, Have mature and rich solutions for the education industry, So farZhejiang University, China University of Mining and Technology, China University of Metrology, Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University, etcMany well-known universities have provided sharing and collaboration and file security prevention and control services, Ensuring the security of college office information in an all-round way.

that, 360 How does Yifang Cloud protect universities, scientific research institution, When enterprises and public institutions encounter the same situation as Northwestern Polytechnical University, It can also successfully smash the risk of data leakage caused by network attacks?

Anti attack -- Storage encryption

Through distributed storage architecture, Data Slicing, Data encryption storage, Multi replica decentralized storage, Multiple backups, Multiple mechanisms such as remote disaster recovery, Ensure the security of user file data, Get unencrypted files from the server after avoiding hacker attacks, This leads to data leakage.

Anti blackmail -- 360 Cloud Poison Detection

Based on the existing virus detection engine, Yifang Cloud, Added 360 Cloud virus detection engine.

Automatically check and kill viruses when files are uploaded to the Yifang cloud platform, After parsing to the virus file, The system will automatically transfer the virus files to the quarantine area, And remind relevant personnel, So as to prevent documents infected with viruses from entering the school database, Cause the spread of virus files, All data are affected.

Anti theft -- Strict user access mechanism

Multiple authentication and audit of the logged in user identity, Prevent and eliminate security risks from the source.

Log in IP limit:

Restrict members to log in to Yifang Cloud only in the regions allowed by the enterprise.

Login device restriction and management:

Restrict members to log in to Yifang Cloud only through the operating devices allowed by the enterprise. You can view the devices that are logging into Yifang Cloud, And remove untrusted devices, Change the login password in time.

Login for secondary authentication:

Perform secondary verification on the user's account during login, Prevent data leakage caused by account and password theft.

Internal and external network isolation -- Secure file exchange across networks

To strengthen safety control, Colleges and universities may build intranet, Extranet, Office network, R&D network and other multiple network systems, Physical isolation between these networks (Gatekeeper , Firewall, etc) , mutually unintelligible .

But in daily office scenarios, Cross network exchange of file data is still inevitable.

past times, It may require offline approval at different levels, And then specially assigned person U Disk copies relevant documents to the applicant for cross network use. But this way is not only inefficient, There are still many security loopholes, Audit difficulty, There is compliance risk.

360 Cross network ferry scheme for Yifang cloud files, Without breaking the status quo of network isolation, Realize data transmission and reception between multiple networks, ferry, share, Establish controllable, Auditable, Security Compliance, Unified cross network file exchange channel to prevent information leakage.

Take a scientific innovation laboratory in Zhejiang Province as an example:

When documents need to be transferred from classified area to non classified area, When commercializing, Can be uploaded to through the cloud desktop of the classified areaEnterprise cloud disk, Login of business personnel in non classified areasCloud disk, Relevant documents can be downloaded after approval, Ensure the security of file cross-network circulation, Compliance, convenient.


besides, 360 Yifang Cloud also has a complete file security control scheme, From the cloud/local/Outgoing, beforehand/In the matter/Multiple dimensions such as afterwards, Avoid data loss, Virus attack, And artificial information leakage, Ensuring user data security in an all-round way.

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