Before leaving, I have to pay attention to these details
First of all, pay attention toTime of resignation, Try to avoid leaving at critical times. for example, If the company is facing competition or project cycle, It's best to wait until these critical moments are over before leaving. Otherwise, you may receive a negative impression from the company or leaders, This can have an impact on an individual's future career.
secondly, wantPay attention to communication with colleagues, Don't suddenly disappear. Before leaving, Farewell to colleagues, And leave a friendly image inside and outside the company. This can give yourself more opportunities in the process of career development, Such as obtaining internal referrals.
of course, If you want to maintain a good reputation, Also avoid errors in handover work. Ensure that all work is properly handled, And provide clear and detailed handover reports. This can not only help you leave the company smoothly, It is also a kind of respect for the company and colleagues.
last, wantHandle social media accounts with caution. Before leaving, It is best to delete all company related information from your social media account, To avoid being misunderstood or causing unnecessary trouble. meanwhile, Avoid publicly discussing your reasons for leaving or other confidential information on social media.
1. Backup important data. If you have worked for this company for a period of time, Then you may store many important data and files on your computer. In order not to lose this data, It is best to back them up to devices such as personal cloud storage or mobile hard drives.
2. Clear personal files and apps. Before leaving the company, Be sure to delete your personal files, application program, Browser history, bookmarks, etc. This can effectively protect your privacy and the security of your company's assets.
3. Clear all company data. If you have processed confidential or sensitive information of the company on your computer, So before leaving the company, Be sure to thoroughly clean up this data. Use data clearing software with overwrite functionality or provide IT Department seeks help.
4. Close company account. Before leaving the company, Make sure you have closed all company accounts, For example, an email account, VPN Accounts, etc. This is to prevent unauthorized access and abuse.
5. Follow company policies. Before leaving the company, It is best to refer to the company's relevant policies and procedures for handling computer information. This ensures that you have followed company regulations, And avoid any disputes or legal issues.
in short, Handle these details before leaving, Especially computer information is very important, Because it can affect the company's reputation and interests. If there are any questions or concerns, Best with the company IT Department or management contact.
Classification of this article: Industry Information
Number of Views: 2202 Views
Release Date: 2023-03-28 17: 25: 38
Link to this article: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/hyzx/605. html
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