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Does online disk resources count as infringement?

With the development of internet technology, Various online services are springing up like mushrooms after rain, NetdiskAs one of the important network services, Bringing a lot of convenience to our lives. We canNetdiskTo store, share, Transfer various files, It greatly facilitates our work and learning. however, Due to the unique nature of network disk resources, Some netizens use online drives to share resources that may involve infringement behavior, This involves the issue of whether network disk resources are considered as infringement.

first, We need to clarify what constitutes infringement. according to Copyright Law Regulations, Unauthorized by the copyright owner, No unit or individual is allowed to copy, issue, lease, exhibition, perform, Projection, broadcast, Utilizing the works of copyright owners through information network dissemination and other means. If any unit or individual infringes on the interests of the copyright owner, It belongs to copyright infringement behavior, Is subject to legal responsibility.

Infringement of Network Disk Resources, We need to analyze from two aspects. The first aspect is the responsibility of the network disk service provider. When major network disk providers provide services, Technical measures that operators should take should be implemented, Prevent others from using their network to directly spread on information networks, copy, revise, translate, assembly, Distribution of works by copyright owners. If the network disk provider cannot take effective measures according to regulations, Then bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

The second aspect is the responsibility of the individual or organization uploading the resources. If an individual or organization uploads a copyrighted file on a network drive, So it constitutes an infringement of the interests of the copyright owner. For this type of infringement, The law has clear provisions, Copyright owners can protect their rights and interests through legal means.

therefore, Network disk resources may not all belong to infringement behavior, If the uploaded work is my original work or authorized by the rights holder, So it's legal. however, If the uploaded work is someone else's work, So there is a risk of infringement. therefore, Whether it is an individual or a network disk service provider, When using and providing network disk services, relevant regulations and laws should be followed, Cannot infringe on the copyright and interests of others.

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