How are internal data files of the enterprise leaked?
Internal data file leakage of an enterprise refers to the leakage of sensitive data to the outside world, May cause significant losses to the enterprise, asFinancial losses, Reputation damage, legal proceedingsetc. These data may includeCustomer Information, financial statements, R&D achievementsetc.
that, How do internal data files of enterprises usually leak? There are mainly the following situations:
human factor: Negligence or malicious actions by employees are one of the main reasons for corporate leaks. For example, Employees use weak passwords or disclose passwords to others at will, Easy to cause hacker attacks to obtain account passwords, So as to enter the internal network of the enterprise and obtain confidential documents. meanwhile, Unauthorized copying of data or direct sending of data to others by employees can also lead to data leakage.
Hacker attacks: Another threat faced by enterprises is hacker attacks. Hackers can invade corporate networks through various means, Such as exploit, malicious software , Social engineering, etc, Stealing sensitive data without being detected.
Disclosure by third-party service providers: Enterprises can outsource some services to third-party companies, But if these third-party companies do not have sufficient security measures, It may also lead to enterprise data leakage. For example, The server managed by a third-party service provider has been hacked, Enterprise data will be threatened.
Physical factors: Fire occurs in the internal computer room or data center of the enterprise, Unexpected events such as floods, It may also lead to data leakage. in addition, Unauthorized personnel entering areas such as computer rooms, It is also possible to steal sensitive information.
in summary, Internal data file leaks within enterprises are usually caused by multiple reasons, And these reasons are interconnected. To avoid data leakage, Enterprises need to take a series of measures to strengthen data protection, includeEstablish a comprehensive security system, Provide safety training to employees, Conduct regular vulnerability scanningetc. That's the only way, Only enterprises can ensure their own safety, Avoiding losses caused by sensitive information leakage.
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Release date: 2023-05-16 11: 24: 55
Link to this article: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/hyzx/695. html
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