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Recommended external chain cloud storage: 6 A collectible external chain cloud storage

Synchronous cloud storage with high-speed transmission

External linksOnline storageIt is an online storage service, Allow users to upload, Store and share files. It can provide direct download links, Allow others to directly access itOnline storageDownload file, But not through email Attachment or other file sharing services. In this article, We will introduce some recommended onesExternal chain cloud storage, And their advantages and limitations.

1, 360Fangcloud

360FangcloudIt is a file management platform specifically designed for enterprises, It has massive file storage capabilities, Online Editing, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Assist enterprises in aggregating file assets, Administration, Sharing and Collaboration. 360 Yifang Cloud can enhance the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within enterprises, Ensure data security and risk control.

by 2022 end of the year, There are already 56 Ten thousand enterprise users are using it 360 Fangcloud, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, Jinko Energy, Large enterprises and organizations such as Jinyuan Group.

2, OpenDrive

OpenDrive It is a cloud storage that provides free external link services. It provides 5GB Free storage space and daily availability 1GB The traffic. OpenDrive The interface is concise, Easy to use. It supports external linking of music files, Buffer speed up to 200K/S above. To use OpenDrive External link function, Need to promote OpenDrive. The specific steps are as follows:

apply OpenDrive account number.

Log in OpenDrive, Create a new folder, And carry out file management work.

When creating a new folder, Note that access permissions cannot be set to "private" .

Upload music files, Be careful not to include special characters in the file name.

Activate the free music external link function, We need to write an article that includes OpenDrive Promotion article of the word, And publish it on their own blog, On platforms such as Baidu Space.

3,  YunFile Online storage

YunFile Cloud storage is one of the well-known cloud storage platforms in China, It provides 50TB Free storage space, The size of a single file can reach 15GB. in addition, It also provides downloads per 10000 clicks 1000 Yuan's income. YunFile The interface of the online storage is clean, Fast upload and download speed, Support external link function.

4, Rainbow external chain cloud storage

Rainbow external link cloud storage is a product that supports images, Cloud storage for music and video uploads, Can generate file external links, Image external links and music external links, etc. It also supports HTML Code and UBB Automatic generation of code, Convenient for users to share files in forums and blogs. Rainbow external chain cloud storage also adds image violation detection function, To ensure the compliance of the content.

5, Nano disk

Nano disk It is a famous online storage platform, Although only providing 100M Free Space, But there are not many restrictions on file types, except HTML, ASP Except for special file types, Almost all other files can be uploaded. The nanodisk provides a direct external link, Convenient for users to share files.

6, PHP External link cloud storage system

PHP The external link cloud storage system is an open-source cloud storage system, Supports uploading files in all formats, Can generate file external links, Image link, Music external links and video external links, etc. It also supports online preview function, Including image viewing, Music listening and video playback. in addition, PHP The external chain cloud storage system also supports password protection, Content security review and cloud storage functions.

The above are several recommended external chain cloud storage options, Every cloud storage has its advantages and limitations. Users can choose suitable cloud storage services according to their own needs. It should be noted that, When using these cloud storage services, Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, Do not upload or share illegal content, Violating content.

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