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Yifang cloud and Meiya buy insurance for user data

Data security is the primary premise for enterprise users to choose cloud services, As early as 2011 year, American insurance companies have introduced data loss insurance for enterprise customers, Provide insurance services for small and medium-sized enterprises that may face financial risks once sensitive data is leaked.

8 month 25 day, FangcloudOfficially announced at its product strategy press conference, The company is the largest foreign-funded property insurance company in China -- AIG Its American Asian insurance cooperation, Innovatively designed enterprise cloud service data leakage insurance. For allFangcloudEnterprise users of the platform, If user data is lost or leaked due to platform reasons, Users will get the highest 300 Ten thousand dollars (about 1920 Ten thousand yuan) Compensation.

Yifang cloud technology CEO Introduction of Cheng Yuan: "It took us months, Negotiate and discuss with domestic mainstream insurance institutions, Finally, we chose Meiya insurance, We want to let our customers know our attitude towards their data security. "

As an enterprise document management platform, A huge amount of enterprise documents are stored, Yifang cloud has always paid high-level attention to data security, And adopt a comprehensive security strategy and security guarantee.

In terms of Technology, Yifang cloud adopts the industry's high-level AES-256 Stream encryption, Lock the file during uploading, Secondary storage encryption after falling into the server, Protect file privacy and security. Multi point remote backup of all cloud data, Prevent data loss caused by single node accidents.

Product level, Yifang cloud provides users with a very perfect log monitoring system and enterprise security settings comparable to online banking, All operations in the enterprise account are recorded at the first time for the administrator to track and check, Enterprise administrators can truly control users and data. meanwhile, Yifang cloud platform also has a perfect security management system, Up to 7 Level permission settings, Document owners can flexibly set permissions for document users, Ensure data security.

In terms of internal risk control, Yifang cloud is more practical "Separation of powers" : Developers who understand encryption technology have no access to user data, The operation and maintenance personnel who can access user data do not understand encryption technology, And the most important password is in the hands of another manager. Key elements are managed separately, Strictly prevent internal data leakage. Not long before, Yifang cloud technology officially obtained ISO International Organization for Standardization in IT Two standard certifications in the field, ISO20000 Information technology service management specification (ITSM) Certification and ISO27000 Information security management system (ISMS) authentication, It marks that the information security management of Yifang cloud has established a set of international standard management system guarantee.

besides, Yifang cloud also invited an independent third-party senior white hat security team to conduct security public testing, Add another layer of guarantee for enterprise data security.

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