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Home / Company News / Enterprise dynamics / leveraging 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, A leading electric vehicle group has achieved the reshaping and upgrading of its document management system

leveraging 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, A leading electric vehicle group has achieved the reshaping and upgrading of its document management system

A certain electric vehicle group is one of the top enterprises in China's electric vehicle industry, Sales network worldwide 100 Countries, continuity 5 Ranked first in global sales in the industry in . Since its establishment, the group has, Focusing on independent research and innovation of products, After years of development, Has become the research and development of electric two wheeled vehicles and components, High end electric two wheeled vehicles that integrate production and sales "wisdom" Manufacturing enterprise.


Business growth drives demand upgrading, The file management system of a certain head electric vehicle group urgently needs iteration

in recent years, With the further expansion of sales channels and market coverage, The market size of the electric vehicle group has significantly increased. meanwhile, The accumulated information includes product development documents, The increasing number of core knowledge assets such as employee training documents. although, The electric vehicle group established an enterprise file management information system in the early stages, But when faced with the current massive demand for file storage and processing, The original file management system of the group lacks information sharing capability, Limited storage capacity, Defects such as incomplete security protection mechanisms are gradually emerging, This has led to a significant threat to the protection of core knowledge assets of enterprises, The specific manifestations are as follows:

1. 1 Against the backdrop of a significant increase in the number of files, Limited capabilities of traditional file management systems

Under the traditional document management system, A large amount of document information scattered on employee computers, Although it can be achieved through NAS Unified storage of hard drives, But in this mode, one side, High cost of enterprise file storage, And once encountering NAS Hard disk damage, Virus invasion, Server paralysis and other situations, Easy to cause data loss; on the other hand, Enterprises often require specialized arrangements for employees to regularly NAS Uniformly collect and organize the file information in the hard drive before uploading it to the enterprise knowledge base, Resulting in high file management costs.

1. 2 Incomplete security protection mechanism, High risk of enterprise core file leakage

As a leading enterprise in the industry, Document information of the electric vehicle group, Documents such as new product design drawings often have high confidentiality. But under traditional file management systems, The electric vehicle group has many loopholes in document security control, Causing vulnerability to core interests of the group, The specific issues are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

first, Enterprise files are scattered and stored on employee computers, File circulation cannot be uniformly controlled, High risk of core information leakage;

second, Drawing file cannot be previewed, When displaying to customers, Often requires downloading and exporting files, Exacerbating the risk of file leakage;

third, When an employee resigns, Due to the lack of unified file recycling capability in traditional file management systems, If there are omissions in the handover of drawings, Incomplete handover and other situations, There is a risk of file loss and confidential leakage.

1. 3 Lack of cross departmental collaboration capability, Poor office experience for employees

After years of vigorous development, Dozens of business departments have been established within the electric vehicle group, Including production and research, sale, Market, etc. however, There is a general lack of a comprehensive collaborative office mechanism among various departments, Especially in terms of document circulation, Due to weak cross departmental collaboration, Causing unsatisfactory information synchronization ability, The office experience of employees has never been effectively improved. for example, The electric vehicle research institute needs to confirm with various departments 3C Certification parameter table, Then it needs to be communicated and filled out by each department one by one, High communication costs, Low efficiency.

1. 4 Difficulty in collecting and distributing information, Urgent optimization of multi-level management capabilities in enterprises

In addition to dozens of business departments within the electric vehicle group, It also has many subsidiaries. therefore, Enterprises often need to issue policies to various departments, Training materials and other documentary materials. however, Under the traditional document management system, If there are multiple files to be distributed at the same time, Large volume, It is difficult to send through channels such as enterprise WeChat, And the file flow in the chat record is uncontrollable, There are also significant safety hazards.

More Than This, Information collection is also a common task for the electric vehicle group, for example, The procurement department usually collects and organizes procurement requirements from various departments through enterprise WeChat, Department Monthly&Regular collection of business review reports and data is required annually. however, Under the traditional document management system, The information collection efficiency of the electric vehicle group is low, Heavy repetitive workload, Long cycle, And prone to errors.


Comprehensively make up for the shortcomings, 360FangcloudAssist the electric vehicle group in achieving overall optimization of its document management system

Based on the above, in file storage, safety protection , Collaborative collaboration and information collection, Defects and deficiencies in distribution and other aspects, The electric vehicle group has decided to establish a new generation of enterprise document management system, By integrating big data, Integrating advanced technologies such as cloud computing into enterprise file management processes, Thus achieving a dual improvement in employee office efficiency and experience.

In the product selection stage, Considering the application scope and importance of file management systems, The electric vehicle group focuses on the technical research and development capabilities of manufacturers, Functional completeness, Customer service capability, Comprehensive consideration was given to various factors such as service experience in large enterprises. final, After extensive research, Products POC test, 360FangcloudWith comprehensive leading technological capabilities, Mature product features, Core advantages such as a comprehensive service team and rich practical implementation cases of large enterprises, Becoming a product supplier for this project.

360 Yifang Cloud is 360 Enterprise File Management and Collaboration Platform under the Group, Can meet the full lifecycle management needs of enterprise files in a one-stop manner. adopt 360 Powerful online editing by Yifang Cloud, Multi format preview, Full text search, File comments, Security control and other functions, Between enterprise members, Internal and external departments and even external partners of the enterprise, Can be achieved anytime, anywhere, File sharing and collaboration on any device, Improve the efficiency of internal and external collaboration within the enterprise. at present, 360 The number of enterprise users of Yifang Cloud has reached 500, 000+, cover 20+industry, Including Country Garden, Yuexiu Real Estate, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Group, Jingke Energy, Cedar Holdings, Large clients with tens of thousands of people, including Zhejiang University.

In response to the pain points and difficulties currently faced by the electric vehicle group in enterprise document management, In the early stages of the project, Relying on years of service experience in large enterprises, 360 Yifangyun has exported a set of products called Yifangyun for the electric vehicle groupEnterprise Network DiskA core enterprise knowledge management platform solution. And based on the massive storage provided by this solution, Multi person collaboration, High security and other core capability advantages to comprehensively supplement existing defects, The specific solution is as follows:

2. 1 Massive file centralized storage management, Assist in the rapid construction of enterprise level knowledge base

rely on 360 The massive real-time storage capability of Yifang Cloud for files, Enable employees of the electric vehicle group to create and upload important office materials anytime and anywhere by creating shared folders, Achieving unified storage and management of all enterprise files at a lower cost, And then quickly build an enterprise level knowledge base specifically belonging to the electric vehicle group.

meanwhile, Based on thisEnterprise Network DiskAccurate retrieval and convenient access capabilities, Enable group employees to quickly access the required file content, Effectively meeting the different needs of employees in various departments for online learning, Promote the improvement of knowledge reusability; in addition, 360 Yifang Cloud also supports flexible expansion, Enable the group to expand its capacity in the future, Being able to quickly expand online at low cost, Fully meet the usage requirements of high concurrency scenarios.

2. 2 from "spot "reach" noodles "Global security protection for, Protecting the core intangible assets of enterprises from infringement

chart: 360 Yifang Cloud Security Control Function Matrix

To effectively address many security vulnerabilities in the existing file management system, 360 Yifang Cloud provided outsourcing documents for the group, Security capabilities such as sensitive word detection, By helping them build "production-the circulation-file" The document lifecycle management system and "Cloud based-local-Outgoing" A comprehensive terminal security protection system, Significantly reduce the risk of file leakage.

first, By unifying the storage and control of files and data scattered on employees' computers, And combined with 360 Core capabilities such as file encryption possessed by Yifang Cloud, Avoiding the risk of file leakage from the source;

secondly, rely on 360 Yifang Cloud EnterpriseNetdisksupport 120+The core advantage of previewing professional format files at any time, And preview limit, Improve security control mechanisms such as download permission control, Effectively cutting off the file leakage path during customer display;

last, 360 Yifang Cloud also provides the group with a one click file handover function, Minimize the possibility of incomplete handover due to employee turnover, The occurrence of confidential leaks caused by this.

2. 3 Advanced multiplayer collaboration function matrix, Improve employee work experience in all aspects

chart: 360 Schematic diagram of Yifang Cloud's multi-person collaboration capability

Pain points regarding the lack of cross departmental collaboration capability in the electric vehicle group, 360 Yifang Cloud provides it with file sharing, Subscription File Dynamics, A comprehensive collaborative function matrix including multiplayer online editing. adopt 360 The overall deployment and application of Yifang Cloud, one side, Based on online file sharing, Core functions such as subscription file dynamic notifications, Enable timely synchronization of information among various departments of the group, Provided support for further improving the cross departmental collaboration efficiency of the electric vehicle group.

on the other hand, Collaborate with multiple people to edit files, Multiple core capabilities such as message response, Enable employees of the group to communicate without the need for repetition, Quickly complete cross departmental collaborative operations such as filling out forms, Greatly improved cross departmental collaboration efficiency and employee office experience.

2. 4 A comprehensive multi-level permission management mechanism, Effectively solving the difficulties of information dissemination and collection

chart: 360 Schematic diagram for uploading and collecting information on Yifang Cloud

360 Yifang Cloud has a comprehensive multi-level permission management mechanism, Ability to share files and other capabilities, Eliminating the need for the electric vehicle group to use enterprise WeChat, Email and other channels, Can achieve real-time distribution of massive file data for subordinate subsidiaries, While improving the efficiency of file distribution, Better avoiding the risk of file leakage during the distribution process;

meanwhile, 360 Yifang Cloud also supports permission settings, Can target employees and leadership at different job levels in enterprises, Set different file editing permissions, For example, only preview but not download, Further strengthened the group's multi-level control capabilities;

More Than This, When collecting and summarizing files, 360 Yifang Cloud can support different departments, Employees from different subsidiaries upload data to designated folders in real-time, And the summary data between different departments and subsidiaries is not visible to each other, Significantly improved the efficiency of file aggregation and collection, Effectively avoiding repetitive work, Further optimized employee user experience.


360 Yifang Cloud Overall Deployment Application, The electric vehicle group realizes multiple benefits and values

Comprehensive improvement of file security guarantee capability. adopt 360 The overall deployment and application of Yifang Cloud, Outsourcing of documents, Sensitive word detection, With the support of multiple core functions such as multi-level permission management, Helped the group build a comprehensive security protection system around file management, From the source of the file, Multiple dimensions of the propagation path block the possibility of file leakage, This has greatly ensured the file security of the electric vehicle group.

Overall enhancement of massive file storage capacity. Relying on 360 Yifang Cloud EnterpriseNetdiskComprehensive implementation of solutions, The electric vehicle group has achieved unified cloud storage and management of massive files, Users' local files can be synchronized to the cloud without interference, Effectively avoiding damage to terminal equipment, Loss causes data loss, Protecting intangible assets of enterprises. meanwhile, Based on file synchronization and online sharing, Advanced functions such as editing, Helped the group achieve efficient and efficient file distribution and circulation, Improving the efficiency of enterprise file collaboration.

at present 360 Yifang Cloud has taken the lead in deploying and using the electric vehicle group's Tianjin company, And achieved significant usage effects, This provides significant reference for the continuous digital upgrading and transformation of the group's office system in the future. future, The cooperation between the two sides will continue to deepen, 360 The usage scenarios of Yifang Cloud will gradually evolve from a single business department to the entire group, Assist the group in building upon document content and knowledge models, Complete knowledge graph creation and association, And form a systematic knowledge network, Final Achiever, knowledge, The effect of fully connected business.

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