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Competition of Enterprise Network Disk Prices: Which one is more worth your choice?

FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk"

This article will focus on pricing, capacity, function, Four aspects of safety are crucialEnterprise Network DiskCompare, Analyze which one is more worth choosing.

1, price

For enterprises, Price is a choiceNetdiskOne of the important considerations. Currently on the marketEnterprise Network Disk PriceIt can be roughly divided into two types, One is to charge based on the number of users, Another option is to charge based on capacity. Below, we will compare several common brands in the marketEnterprise Network DiskCompare prices.

Competition of Enterprise Network Disk Prices:  Which one is more worth your choice?

Firstly, BaiduNetdisk, Baidu Wangpan provides two payment schemes, Respectively 1 element/month/Users and 12 element/month/user, There are corresponding preferential policies for different enterprise sizes. Next is AlibabaCloud disk, AliCloud diskThere are also two charging modes, Pay by capacity and pay by number of people, respectively, The cheapest way to pay by capacity is per GB 0. 014 element.

Finally, Microsoft OneDrive, Its commercial version price is also charged based on the number of users, Each user needs to pay a monthly fee 5 Cost in US dollars. By comparison, The price of Baidu Wangpan is relatively cheap, and OneDrive It is a more expensive choice for enterprise online storage.

2, capacity

Besides the price, For enterprises, Capacity is also one of the important factors to consider when choosing a network disk. The following is a comparison of the capacity of several common enterprise network disks in the market.

First, Baidu Wangpan, The free capacity of Baidu Wangpan is 2GB, If more space is needed, Can be purchased for a fee. First time registered users of Alibaba Cloud disks can obtain 5GB Free space for, OneDrive The commercial version provides each user with 1TB Storage space for. It can be seen that, OneDrive It is currently the network disk with the largest capacity among various network disks.

3, function

Besides price and capacity, The functionality of enterprise network disks is also one of the key factors that users need to consider when choosing. The following is a comparison of the functions of several common enterprise network disks in the market.

First, Baidu Wangpan, Baidu Wangpan has very rich functions, It not only supports online preview of various document files, Video and audio files, Also supports sharing, Upload and download, Offline download and other functions. In addition to supporting file upload, download and synchronization, Alibaba Cloud disks, It also supports file sharing andCollaborative editing. OneDrive It is also a very powerful enterprise network disk, It supports file synchronization between various devices, It also supports online preview and sharing.

Overall, The functions of the three enterprise network disks are relatively powerful, However OneDrive ofCollaborative editingRelatively superior functionality.

4, security

For enterprises, Security is also one of the important considerations when choosing a network drive. The following is a security comparison of several common enterprise network disks in the market.

First, Baidu Wangpan, The Baidu Wangpan supports the upload and download of files, Sharing and other functions, But its security is highly controversial. Alibaba Cloud disks are relatively excellent in terms of security, It adopts HTTPS Encrypted Transmission Protocol, It also supports file sharing and Collaborative editing. OneDrive It also uses Advanced Encryption Standard to ensure the security of files.

Overall, The security of the three enterprise network disks is relatively reliable, But Alibaba Cloud disks are relatively more secure and reliable.

Based on our analysis above, If your business is small in scale, Low funding, You can consider choosing Baidu Wangpan, If you require a large storage space, Optional OneDrive, If we focus on file security, You can select Alibaba Cloud disks.

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