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Which is good for sharing network disks? recommendation 5 Excellent online storage service!

More secure,  efficient,  and intelligent enterprise network disk

  With the development of the Internet, Data storage and sharing are becoming increasingly important. However, Traditional external hard drives have insufficient capacity, The inability to access data anytime, anywhere and other issues have also arisen. At this point, on lineShared Network DiskHas become a more convenient way, security, Efficient data storage method, Its advantages are well known.

  however, Due to the presence of too many online platforms on the marketShared Network Disksoftware, Many people don't know which one to choose. Next, Let's introduce to you 5 Payment inShared Network DiskWhich one is good to use"" Shared Network DiskWhich is the most useful and excellent one among themNetdiskservice.

Which is good for sharing network disks?  recommendation 5 Excellent online storage service!

  1. Dropbox

  For onlineNetdiskFor regular customers, Dropbox Definitely not unfamiliar. As the earliestCloud diskamong, Dropbox Always leading in user experience and performance. Its compatibility is very good, Can be found in Windows, macOS, Linux Multiple common desktop platforms and iOS, Android Waiting for use on mobile platforms.

  Dropbox The file transfer speed of is very fast, And the compatibility is very good. If you need to remotely control folders on other devices, have access to Dropbox Mobile applications for, You can also create shared links and folders at the same time, Meeting the diverse needs of users. However, Its free version only provides 2GB Storage space for, But the monthly fee 9. 99 The paid version in US dollars provides 2TB Space for.

  2. Google Drive

  Google Drive yes Google A free space launched, Cloud storage service with huge capacity, Can be found in Google Use on account. Google Drive Good compatibility, Can be found on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android Used on various platforms.

  Google Drive And Gmail and Google Docs Integrate with other services, Convenient for users to quickly share and edit files. Its free version is available to every user 15GB Capacity of, But if you purchase G Suite plan, There are additional features and space available for use.

  3. OneDrive

  OneDrive It is caused by Microsoft Free Cloud storage service launched, It can be associated with Windows Operating system and Office 365 integration, Users can access it on any device. If you use Windows operating system, After upgrading to the latest version OneDrive Will be pre installed, Very convenient.

  OneDrive provide 5GB Free storage space for, If you make a purchase Microsoft Subscription Service , You can gain more space and functionality. Compared to competitors, OneDrive The price is the most favorable, And the performance is also very excellent.

  4. Box

  Box Another popular Cloud storage service provider, It provides powerful functions and tools. Box Provides powerful file and folder management tools, Supports many third-party applications and various file types. Different from many other Cloud storage service providers, Box Supports multiple operating systems and devices, include Windows, Mac And mobile devices.

  Box Provided free of charge 10GB storage space , This is sufficient for individuals and small businesses. For larger enterprises and organizations, Box Customized plans are also provided, And support the integration of various enterprise level applications.

  5. Mega

  MEGA It is an emerging Cloud storage service provider, It provides up to 50GB Free storage space to attract users. MEGA Provides secure encryption functionality, This means that any files uploaded by users will be encrypted, Ensure the security of user data.

  MEGA compatible Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android Various platforms such as, Support for multi end synchronization, Very convenient. in addition, MEGA The performance is also good, Fast upload and download speeds, Suitable for users who require frequent access.


  The above is the shared network disk we recommend for everyone. Although other online drives on the market are also good, But we believe that by Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box and MEGA This list is currently the best. Different people have different needs, Which online disk service to choose, stayWhich is good for sharing network disksConsider making decisions in advance.

About us

  360FangcloudIt is a team collaboration and knowledge management platform specifically designed for enterprises, It can easily store and manage massive files, Support for online editing, Multi format preview, Full-text search, File comments and security control functions. 360FangcloudProviding a knowledge base for enterprises, Help enterprise members jointly manage and collaborate on file assets, Improve internal and external collaboration efficiency, Ensuring data security and risk control.
360 Yifang Cloud has already served many enterprises, Including Zhejiang University, Country Garden, Changan Automobile, Geely Group, JinkoSolar, Large clients such as Jinyuan Group.

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