Overthrow the Chinese people's work and life "Berlin Wall"
2013 year, A cloud storage service provider that once helped the world's largest enterprise Box Young team that successfully landed on the New York Stock Exchange, With the most cutting-edge product concept and rich R & D and operation experience from Silicon Valley, Returning to China for establishmentFangcloudscience and technology, It has been highly concerned and favored by the capital market since its inception.
Take one "Change the world" The idea of, They want to use enterprises SaaS Service creates a new way of working and experience for people.
Chinese "East Germany and West Germany"
On one side is the magical world created by intelligence and convenience, One side is still a backward country with redundancy and inefficiency.
Even in "internet+" Sweeping today, An invisible block "Berlin Wall" The life and work of Chinese people are divided into two completely different worlds.
On this side of the wall is West Germany -- life
climb to 80 Years old, Down to 5 Year old child, Everyone enjoys the convenience brought by the development of the Internet in life.
clothing, food, live, that 's ok, The Internet is subverting all aspects of life, It brings cool to people, Efficient, Intelligent services.
On the other side of the wall is East Germany -- work
Once back to work, People seem to have returned to the primitive age of information in a second, With cumbersome tools, Follow a complex process.
Except for occasional relief from the other side of the wall (Application of personal tools such as wechat in work) , Basically closed, backward, Inefficient state, It greatly affects people's happiness.
from QQ To the rise of wechat, To all kinds APP A hundred flowers bloom all over our life, Enterprise software was once strange to the vast majority of Chinese white-collar workers, distant. We can't use it, I don't want to use it.
70 Young Americans have been receiving computer education since the s. But just like when mankind entered the industrial age, Those big and bulky machines are just for the purpose of improving efficiency, When the United States entered the computer age, Most enterprise software is designed to complete tasks, The ease of use and user experience of the product are not considered. Even in the United States, Traditional enterprise software is only a plaything for a few people.
And in China, until 90 years, Many people know what a computer is.
At the turn of the century, Many of the backbone forces in Chinese society came by tapping the keyboard with one finger, Computers are more like a tough guy for them.
10 last year, Use basic Office For many white-collar workers, it is a crucial factor in finding a job.
The informatization of Chinese enterprises lies in Windows 95, Windows XP Walk forward slowly like this, At that time, the following computers were used most in the company.
past times 20 Year time, China's consumer Internet market gave birth to BAT, But few world-class enterprise software or Internet companies have been born, The United States does IBM, Oracle, SAP. . .
in the U. S, The status of enterprise software can be compared with Google, Facebook Comparable to. Because they allow designers to create at will, Make it convenient for accountants to carry out various complex financial calculations, Let the shares of Wall Street automatically flow and trade.
It is undeniable that China had a batch of IBM, SAP Followers of, They hope that Chinese enterprises will also recognize professional software one day, The importance of enterprise information software.
The Chinese government was the first to realize the importance of informatization to enterprises, So Chinese state-owned enterprises, Large enterprises have made a great leap forward, Set off the purchase of other ERP, OA The upsurge of, Then it was born OA Such work of the operator. But that's a time when people are more willing to use paper and pens than computers. And those who can't afford hundreds of thousands or even millions to buy these "Efficient" Software enterprises choose curve to save the country more.
SaaS, Reshape the world
The development of the Internet in China has almost grown up with the first batch of computer users in China. if 2008 Years ago, the Internet was only for young people, The emergence of mobile Internet, iPhone Wait for the birth of smart phones to transform China from 5 Year old children arrive 80 Years old people are in their arms.
See grandparents using mobile phones to manage money? Do you see children using the Internet to learn English? It is a true lover of the masses.
It's no exaggeration to say, The Internet is reshaping Chinese Society, "internet+" Is the best proof of the nationwide Internet.
People have never been connected so closely, Information has never exploded like this, We have never been able to touch any corner of the earth in a second like now.
In people's lives, internet, Smart tools are everywhere, There is no need that cannot be solved, And the wall between work and life will eventually be broken, The Internet will be like water, Infiltrate every aspect of our work like air. The weapon to break through it is all kinds of tools specially created for different office scenes of enterprises SaaS Cloud services.
SaaS, yes Software-as-a-Service (Software as a service) Abbreviation of, Users no longer need to buy software, Instead, we need to SaaS Service provider renting service, Pay according to the number and length of service ordered, And no maintenance is required.
SaaS While providing Internet applications to users, service providers, Offline operation and local data storage are also provided, Allow users to use their ordered software and services anytime, anywhere.
SaaS, Born for Chinese users
Compared with traditional enterprise software, enterprise SaaS The cost of using the service is 1/10, Even lower, And there is no need to worry about buying at all, deploy, Maintenance troubles, Product design takes user experience as the core, Simple and easy to use like wechat, Mobile terminal can be accessed at any time.
No matter how big your team is, It is decided today that it can be used today.
SaaS It is a model for Chinese users: simple, cheap, flexible. It will make it easier to obtain office data than ever before, Let you and your colleagues, Complicated collaboration between customers becomes simple, direct, transparent.
FangcloudCreating such a world for you
Simple work together!
No longer need to study these for work SaaS Use of tools, contrary, These tools will automatically adapt to your needs, You can start it in five minutes. You just need to focus on the most valuable part, And the tedious and inefficient chores are left to us.
No longer need to take the subway for an hour, The bus will get a document needed by the boss for returning to the company, stay SaaS With the assistance of 8 Hours to complete the work, You have more time with your family.
Whether you are on business or in the Office, Can feel your team around, You can easily work with them with your fingers.
No longer afraid of losing the hard work, No longer afraid of missing important tasks, Your job will be surrounded by a sense of security and happiness.
Ten years ago, We don't have smartphones, Ten Years From Now, We can't imagine a day without mobile Internet. However, it doesn't take long, You will hug like a smartphone SaaS.
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Article classification: Industry information
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Number of views: 3667 Browse times
Release date: 2015-05-28 15: 28: 41
Article link: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/hyzx/524. html
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